My wife has expressed to me that earlier in the day is better for her for having sex. If we wait till bed then there’s a chance she’s to tired or something from her day put her in a bad mood. In fact, first thing in the morning is ideal for her.

I personally love this idea of morning sex and want to do it, but when we have sex, we’re really into kissing and my morning breath and dry mouth is kind of bad. We could do “breakfast in bed” and my wife doesn’t seem to have an issue with that, but my problem is that with my mouth situation giving her oral is kind of unpeasant for me.

Does anyone have any tips for dealing with morning breath and dry mouth without having to actually get up and brush my teeth? She’s a light sleeper so I’d prefer for her to wake up to me arousing her rather than waking up to me getting up to brush.

I have good oral hygenie. I think my biggest cause for morning breath is dry mouth due to mouth breathing, snoring, and apnea while I sleep.

  1. The only solution is brushing your teeth. Also use always dental floss to get rid of food between teeth.

  2. You don’t always have to kiss during sex. I’m a huge fan of making out but not first thing in the morning.

  3. Aside from brushing your teeth, get yourself a good tongue scraper as it tends to do a great job of removing that white film on the surface of the tongue which can contribute to bad morning breath. Using a mouthwash that doesn’t contain alcohol may also help once you’ve brushed and cleaned your tongue. After that, enjoy the breakfast buffet 😉

  4. There are morning breath sprays and dissolvable pills.

    Just do a search for them and you will see a long list of products

  5. Keep a glass of water on the nightstand? And if it’s very bad a mint too?

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