My husband doesn’t understand why I treat him the way I do. I kept telling him the reason and he continues to do said reason. I don’t think he is even listening when I say something. I always listen to him even if it is his complaining. He can’t return the favor by listening to me and my complaint(I rarely have any). I don’t even care what my family does or say because they are not living with me or my kids. My family is outside of my circle for a few reasons, this is for another day to write about. Anyways, he doesn’t see what is bugging me and won’t hear of it. I hold a lot of stuff in as it does start argument as he can’t take other peoples opinions on anyting.

So, he comes in the room this morning as I am getting up, I recieved a message on FB and he got mad and accused me of being a fake person. He said, “I knew you are playing games and acting like a Sue person”. I looked him dead in the eyes, “What are you talking about”? He said it even louder, “I know you are playing head games because you don’t want Chris back”. Again, I told him, “I do not even know what you are talking about but okay.” I do not make fake accounts on FB, I don’t need to as that causes issues and drama. He then text, “I don’t know why you have to do that as Chris hasn’t done shit to you. I do not see why Chris is involved and I should be able to have Chris live here with out your concent.” I didn’t respond to his text message to have a better response to him. I thought about what I wanted to say and everything, “So this is my house to, the one I pay bills at and yet I have no say over who I want to live with us?!?! Let me know how that works out for you when I don’t pay the bills. Is Chris going to get a job to help you? Is she going to make sure the lights don’t get shut off? Again, like I told you I don’t even know what you are talking about and who this Sue lady is. I recieved a message from a Sue asking about Chris and why Chris had to leave and I told her and I told her a few other things but I have nothing to do with making a fake account.” I left it alone after that as I don’t even care about Chris or anyone at this moment. I don’t even have time to make a fake account, I only have 2 emails and one of those emails is for my own FB and the other one I don’t even use anymore.

There is an underlining of issues when it comes to Chris. Chris has stayed on and off with us throughout of 7 to 8 years. Chris has caused a lot of issues between my husband and I. The first time she came and stayed with us was fine and it was a short term deal. Then when she left I was relieved to say she wasn’t around anymore. Then he brought her back within 6 months after she left without me knowing she came back. He knew how I felt about her staying with us. This was on and off, the very last time she stayed with us she agreed she would buy food and she didn’t so that made us a little short. She left and my husband promised me she wouldn’t ever come back to live with us again. Now, he is mad at me because my answer is NO and I threatened and told him if Chris comes back I will take the kids and leave. Chris isn’t a bad person but she tries to take over while I am there. Chris doesn’t understand boundaries when it comes to my kids. She undeminds me when it comes to my kids. She talks to them like they are babies and won’t let them do their part of chores. I have told her in the past to not do their chores for them as they know they have an hour to finish the chores or they don’t get allowances.

My marriage isn’t great and not even perfect. I want to make things work for us but I can no longer work alone. I can no longer be the only one who fights for this marriage. 🙁

  1. Ok. Hold on.. who is Chris? Why is Chris living with you? Are Chris and your husband intimate? Are you a sister wife? Has your husband ever pressured you to sleep with Chris? Does your husband sleep in a different location than you on a regular basis? Are you and your husband intimate? Soooo many questions.

  2. Who is Chris? Is he sleeping with Chris? Why is Chris more important to him than you are?

  3. All I am getting out of this is that Chris is another adult female that your husband wants to have live in the house. If Chris is not a relative then are Chris and your husband having an affair?

    Please note that legally Chris has renters rights the moment you allow her to stay. If she wanted to she could fight to stay and you would never get her out without going through a formal eviction.

  4. You guys might want to talk to a couples counselor. You really need to polish up those communication skills. Good luck.

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