In what scenario is politics a good reason to end a relationship, if ever?

  1. Honestly, if someone voted against women’s human rights or even voted for the people who support stripping women of their human rights, I couldn’t be in a relationship with him.

  2. If your views really really differ. Like complete opposite. I can’t see that working

  3. If it takes too much away from it actually being a relationship you want to be in.

    Don’t stick to it if you don’t want a partner/friendship/etc. who rambles on everyday from a POV you do not agree with. Don’t stick to it if his/her views make you feel unsafe. If what they say or do often causes you to stress out or argue or whatever, it is not worth it. Relationships should be about making you happy, and if politics is making you unhappy in one, find something new.

  4. If a person’s views take away from the humanity of another person (who’s not a Nazi, because fuck Nazis) then they’re not worth my time or the air that they breathe.

  5. I’d end it in any scenario where the other person’s political beliefs actively harm myself and other people.

  6. If either person wants to. There doesn’t need to be a “good reason” to end a relationship because relationships require mutual consent. Someone wanting to end it is a good enough reason.

    But personally, yeah, I would absolutely end a relationship over politics and have before. If someone doesn’t believe in basic human rights for marginalized groups, I can’t and won’t be with them.

  7. When they’re a bigot, or a fascist, or a man who thinks he should have a say in women’s reproductive rights. Tbh even a woman who thinks she should be able to enforce her personal reproductive views on others. Instant dump & block.

  8. If they’re conservative I wouldn’t even get in a relationship with them in the first place. If they said they were moderate and then later expressed conservative views or told me they voted for trump, I would end it immediately. I just feel a lot of disgust for the policies they’re pushing now, I could never look at someone the same way if I knew they supported those policies. And I think they probably wouldn’t respect my views, either.

  9. If your different politics reflect different values, it’s probably best to part ways.

  10. I wouldn’t even start a relationship without knowing where someone stands. I have to know that we are on the same page as far as human rights.

  11. I don’t think you necessarily need to agree on all political fronts but there are certain moral and ethical issues that would 100% be dealbreakers for me. These include but are not limited to: Women’s rights; Sex worker rights; bodily autonomy; Gay rights; Trans rights. I think those topics come to mind in particular as they tend to be the most contentious unfortunately.

  12. I’d say in a lot of scenarios. Politics is a reflection of values and how you believe the world should be run and how people should be treated. Those are pretty core values, and important to be compatible with a partner. They don’t have to be the same, but they have to be compatible.

    And for a lot of us in the present day, politics in our countries are heavily in flux for our human rights. There are parts of my own country where my people don’t have basic human rights.

  13. Im a conservative women and if I met a very liberal man I don’t thnk it would work out.

  14. When someone’s political views are hateful, bigoted, actively harmful to vulnerable populations, or deny human rights to others, I’d consider it unethical for me to maintain that relationship with them. My political views are based on my ethical values, and I’m not interested in maintaining a relationship with those I don’t believe to be acting ethically.

  15. If someone is actively championing against my agency, safety, and rights, then I can’t trust them. Sorry.

  16. I broke up with someone because they voted for Brexit, and that was enough for me.

    To me-on major votes and believes like that, says a lot about a person and their morals. I still respect other beliefs, but I wouldn’t like to be continuously seeing them in a intimate way. Probably not in a friendship way either because I love bashing politicians with my friends.

  17. If their political ideology might harm me or others.
    If I simply strongly disagree with their point of view.

  18. If it means the person views women as 2nd class citizens, mandated by God to be brood mares and nothing else.

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