So I came across this idea that one of my flaws of having poor social skills is by being a closed person. Because, the people I find to be comfortable around can openly talk about something without anyone asking them questions on anything. The entire social setting encourages someone to speak up about something and share anything otherwise suffer in uncomfortable silence. Since I want to make connections and lurking continues to make me shy away and have others feel uncomfortable around me, I see no reason to be shy and closed. It only serves to protect yourself and stay in your comfort zone. And loneliness is the only result of that. People can work together best when they are comfortable around you, so it’s to everyone’s benefit to be someone that shares news or a thought or an idea. No one’s life is that unique or so different, so why not optimize for the best possible life by sharing what’s on your mind? Constant lurking leads to shyness which can stunt your social skills.

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