Hello! I’m planning a date with a girl – I’m also a girl. When I initially invited her out for coffee and said I’d treat, she insisted she’d treat (exact words: “let’s meet for coffee or lunch and I’LL treat”).

I playfully replied that it really would be my treat and I’d get in touch when we were both less busy with work. She was tied up with work for 2 weeks, I was tied up for 5.

Since then, I’ve texted her twice. Once, after 2 weeks had passed, to update her on my work schedule and give her time to plan. The second time – 2 weeks later – to ask her if she’s ready to set up a day and if she’s comfortable meeting in a specific city.

No response.

Should I text a third time with a specific day, time, and restaurant? It’s been awhile since we’ve seen one another, but I want to portray confidence and excitement – not desperation.


  1. So she stated she’ll be tied up for two weeks and you texted and than again after two weeks and she still hasn’t answered?? She ghosted you

  2. Nah chill no more texting, one text and one text only. She got your texts no need to entertain this one until she reaches out

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