I’m going to a wedding a this weekend and it’s going to be 34 degrees.

Is it OK to wear nice shorts and a short sleeved shirts to a wedding with some nice boat shoes or do you guys think I should suit up and put up with the heat?

EDIT: seems to be quite a lot of varying opinions on this one. Think I’ll take a bag with shorts to change in to!

  1. If you’re just going to the evening do I’d say maybe, but if you’re doing the full day definitely not. No matter how nice the shorts you’ve gotta be wearing trousers at a wedding in the UK, regardless the temp.

  2. Find yourself a lovely summer dress – it’ll keep you cool and it’s an item of official wedding clothing so no one can complain

  3. No.

    Get a lovely linen suit.
    You could probably get away with no jacket and tie if it is really warm

  4. Get a suit made for summer weather. The material for summer are lighter and breathable.

  5. Go for it, attitudes to clothing are changing. A smart polo shirt and smart chino style shorts with some nice smart shoes to suit will look far better than an old suit that looks put of date and doesn’t fit.

    You might get a few strange looks but it’s better to be a trend setter than a sheep. People will secretly think good on you.

  6. If you turned up to my wedding wearing shorts I’d politely direct you to the nearest shop specialising in trousers.

  7. It should be fine and if it isn’t then just skip the wedding. No matter how important a bride and groom think their wedding day is, it’s not important enough to risk the health of their guests for a for a fashion choice

  8. I’m at a wedding this weekend too and I’m suiting up. Bringing an extra shirt just in case I sweat through the first one though! My suit is also a pastel green so that should absorb the heat slightly less than a more traditional colour.

  9. It may not be, but guarantee everyone will be jealous of you being all cool and wishing they’d had the balls to just do the same.

  10. I think it would need to be quite a trendy/hipsterish wedding, and/or very smart tailored shorts with a very crisp shirt and probably tie or waistcoat; unless the invitation explicitly says casual.

    edit: fwiw spouse went to a wedding last weekend in Madeira (hotter than it will be here) and wore chinos, long-sleeved shirt and tie, as were several other men. Wedding party were in three-piece suits, eventually taking off their jackets.

  11. Talk to the bride and groom. See if they’ll go for it.

    I’ve had a bunch of weddings over the years within the extended family and they’ve been happy for non formal.

    The women and girls always dress up because ladies like that stuff, but most of the guys have come in smart jeans/ casual trousers and a casual shirt

  12. Ask what the dress code is. Unless they say it’s OK, I would not wear shorts to a wedding

  13. Got a wedding this weekend too.

    After wearing a ill-fitting ,second hand one for the last few occasions ( funeral, weddings , christenings ) I only went and finally got ‘im indoors a new suit and he’s going to flipping wear it 😉

    Seriously, went out yesterday and got a short sleeved linen shirt so once out of the chapel he can get rid of the jacket. I’m in a dress and jacket and plan to do the same.

    Be happy for him to wear shorts tbh honest but he doesn’t even wear them at the beach.

  14. Yes. I can’t believe all the snobs commenting lmao. Who cares about weird societal expectations. If a woman is allowed to wear a short dress or skirt, why can a man not wear something cooler? It’s a pair of smart shorts, not a tshirt with Adolf Hitler on it.

    If you’re a really close relative or major part of the ceremony (parent, brother, best man, groomsmen) then you probably have been told what to wear anyway. But tounds like you’re a regular guest, in which case, where whatever the hell you want.

  15. I faced this one last summer with a sweltering tent scenario.

    My solution: linen trousers for the ceremony and photos/ early reception part, then quick sneaky change to some smart chinoesque shorts for the party part

  16. Turn up in a suit. Bring a change of clothing. See how other people feel about it.

    I agree it’s dumb to have to wear a suit in this kind of weather. On the other hand you don’t want to risk being the only guy not dressed up. To be a good wedding guest is to be unremarked upon.

  17. For everyone saying ask the bride/groom – I can guarantee that they’ll be up to their eyeballs in last minute wedding admin right now and the last thing they’ll need is someone texting them asking if shorts are ok… It’s a wedding, suit up and wear plenty of talc.

  18. Ask the bride and groom how they feel about it.

    If it was my wedding, in this heat, provided you looked neat, tidy and the clothes weren’t old and worn I would have an issue with it at all.

  19. INFO: Have you asked either of the stars of the show what the dress code is to be?

  20. Depends entirely on the wedding, if the bride and groom are relaxed people and it’s something like a barn wedding then sure it’s fine. If they are a bit uptight or the wedding is in some fancy hotel then maybe just wear trousers and suffer the swampy balls.

  21. It really depends on the people getting married. My wife and I just told people to wear something that makes them feel nice, so shorts as you describe them would have been fine at ours.
    But some people want more traditional or rigid attire from their guests.

    If you’re not sure then linen trousers, as others have suggested, are probably your safest option.

  22. Anyone saying yes has probably never left their cave in years let alone attended a wedding

  23. I think it totally depends on the type of wedding! Casual registry ceremony followed by outdoors reception in a garden? Think you could just about get away with it (if they were nice shorts). Catholic church wedding followed by 3 course meal in a ballroom, not so much.

  24. Having been to family weddings in Italy which were Black tie my advice is just wear your suit like normal. As long as your shirt is cotton and the suit material is not too heavy you will be fine. I’m sure nobody will mind you removing your jacket.

  25. My old man was spoken to about wearing shorts and sandles to church.

    His answer; “it was good enough for Jesus it’s good enough for me”

  26. Be funny if he took all your guys advice and turned up in a suit and all the other guys turn up in shorts 🤭👌🤣

  27. Bride for a wedding last month sent round a memo around encouraging guests to wear shorts due to the hot weather. My partner was only 1 of 2 men who took up the offer and then felt underdressed. Every other bloke had gone in suit trousers.

  28. It’s crazy how women can wear dresses but men in shorts is a hard no from everyone here… If the clothes are smart it should be ok

  29. I too am going to a wedding this weekend in Somerset and have been pondering shorts. The groom is also tubby and said no worries. Phew!

  30. The only answer is it depends on the happy couple and the type of wedding you’re going to.

    It wouldn’t bother me in the slightest, I have been invited to weddings where colour palate and dress length have been specified for female guests.

  31. Sure, if you are 15.

    put your adults balls and bite the bullet, the day is not about you.

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