Here in MA I see Canadian plates (so far I’ve seen Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan, and BC) once in a while What’s it like over where you live?

Vanity foreign plates for display purposes wouldn’t count, obviously

  1. Every now and then I will see a Canadian plate. Anything else would stick out like a sore thumb.

  2. I see Canada every once in awhile, probably like a few times a month. Mostly Ontario but occasionally Quebec too. I’ve seen one or two from Latin America before, but I don’t remember if it was Mexico or a different country.

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen any other foreign plates except for the decorative European style ones that some people put on their cars, it’s somewhat common here because Pennsylvania doesn’t require front plates. It makes sense to me because if you have to ship your car here on a boat there’s probably restrictions on registering it and stuff.

  3. Same as you, tons of Canadian plates here in New England. I saw my first Prince Edward Island recently.

  4. I see Canada plates and Mexico plates once in a while, but the most fascinating one was an EU plate.

  5. In Maryland the most common is Ontario, next is probably Quebec. Sometimes you might run across someone from across the continent, like British Columbia.

  6. British Columbia plates mostly. See em every day around here. Very rarely a Mexican plate, almost always some luxury car with Distrito Federal plates. One time I saw an Austrian couple who brought their tricked out van to travel the US.

  7. In NJ . . . Maybe a couple of times a year, and it’s always either Quebec or Ontario. I don’t recall ever seeing any other Canadian provinces, and I’ve never seen a Mexican plate either.

  8. I have been seeing a lot lately– Nova Scotia, Quebec, PEI.

    They like coming to New ENgland for vacation. I dont blame them!

  9. I’m in AZ, and this time of year it’s very infrequent, however Oct-April you can’t throw a rock without hitting a Canadian plate lol

  10. North Texas – I’ve seen 2-3 Canadian plates in the past couple of years. Maybe 1-2 Mexican plates per year. Not mentioning all the dang California plates lol

  11. I’ll occasionally see the plates on the front that are long and in a different language. I’m not rlly sure what country though

  12. Lots of Quebec and Ontario obviously. A lot of rentals seem to have Ontario plates on them.

    There used to be a Zonda that would drive around Boston with Swiss plates. Randomly saw a camper with French plates at my local Stop & Shop too.

  13. Not as much anymore, Canadians don’t get tax free status at checkout now so it’s less advantageous for them to come down and shop. See some from vacation, but used to get literal busloads to come shop back-to-school or holiday.

  14. Pretty often, Ontario and Quebec are the most common. One time I saw a Prince Edward Island plate though, that was unusual.

  15. I see Baja California plates daily.

    Occasionally see BC plates.

    Then the weirdos who drive European cars with European plates

  16. Seen Canadian plates many times, and Mexican plates a few times too. Apart from them, I have almost none from other countries.

  17. In Montana, very few, a handful every year. I grew up in CA and saw Mexican plates all the time.

  18. Canada fairly often, in the summer I see them out and about as the Jersey Shore sees a lot of Canadian tourism.
    A lot on the Turnpike as they travel up/down I95 to their other snow bird locations.
    Otherwise I see them a lot at hockey rinks/hotels when my son is at tournaments up in New England.

    Mexican maybe a few times ever.

    Diplomat fairly often as well.

    Craziest plate ever. Hawaii. But the kids dad was in the military, so they can (could?) keep their residence anywhere they lived…

  19. Not very often at all. I’ll see a Canadian license plate as often as I see west coast license plates, which is maybe once a year.

    I can’t remember ever seeing any foreign license plate here, other than Canadian

  20. Every day, I live close by the Ontario border. I also recently saw a Mexico plate and was shocked!

  21. Used to see Ontario ones when I lived in NYC every once in a while. When I used to go to Seattle a lot, I’d see BC ones if we drove north. I’ve seen maybe 2 Mexico ones in LA, a few more when I visit San Diego.

    Oddly enough, when I went to Toronto, I saw a bunch of New York ones. I need to go to Detroit soonishly, I expect to see a bunch more Canadian plates as the border is right there.

  22. Los Angeles area.

    Oddly enough, over the last 10 years or so, I’ve seen more Canadian license plates than Mexican plates. I am guessing that there was some immigration law change post 9/11 that makes bringing in a car from Mexico more difficult.

    If I’m driving downtown or the more ‘business’ areas, I might see a diplomatic license plate.

    I also live near some very wealthy areas, so occasionally I will see a foreign license plate (you can tell by the shape and letters), but the California plate is covering part of it up. It’s gotta cost a mess of money to move a car from Europe or Japan to here in California.

  23. At least weekly when I’m in the San Diego area. Would imagine people living there see Mexican plates daily on the freeway.

  24. Driving I-80, there’s a chance I might see a Canadian semi-truck. I’ve seen some car plates from British Columbia and once seen a car with Ontario plates. A few months back, I seen a couple of tour buses going down I-35 with Mexican plates. That was an oddity for me.

    But overall, not very often.

  25. We see Mexican plated cars daily, I would love to see a Canadian plated car down here lol

  26. Tons of Mexican plates here in Tucson, and in the winter, pre-Covid, lots of western Canadian plates.

  27. I see BC plates once a week, probably everyday and just don’t notice. Other Canadian plates sometimes, never noticed a Mexican plate, and the occasional European plate but they usually have local plates over the top. I’m more shocked when I see Hawaiian plates (yes, I am aware these are not foreign)!

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