Hi, me and my gf are living together for one year already. We’ve been dating for over 2 years now. Our biggest problem is trust and jealousy from my side. I’m a very jealous man. She broke my trust earlier in our relationship and it happened by going out with a man behind my back. They both were flirting together so they decided to meet alone. She blame me per it to this day like she’s innocent and that we was a fresh couple. 3 months ago she met a guy she knows for years at 3am behind my back while I was abroad with my family. It’s always me who have to find out by myself. I forgive and make her know that what she makes are mistakes and she knows I’m committed to our relationship and we was discussing marriage before. I was also catching her talking with her exes before. Her online ex boyfriends which she never met irl

After her night out at 3 am I proposed to her in our flat after she woke up tired. I know it’s not the best way to propose but I was so excited to propose early. I take her out regularly to exciting places so I thought proposing like this won’t make a problem. She’s my first and I’m her first. Before you guys start to judge me, I’m only taking her to the finest restaurants and places to hang out. Few times a month! Wall climbing, massages, swimming, gym, fine restaurants. We walk together every day

Few days ago I advised her to instal tinder to make friends cause she have none. She added a guy on instagram from it and started talking. I expected her to find girls cause I told her if she ever talks to guys there then it will always go down for dates and sex. She ignored that I’m concerned. That I’m away from her in another country and accused me for not trusting her. Like how do she expect me to react to that? I stayed calm. Next day comes….

Today I’m abroad again but this time I’m working. My gf bought a new dress which I encouraged her to buy cause she looked so pretty in it. I always tell her nice things. Every day. That she is beautiful and pretty and how well she takes care of her hygiene. She wore the dress the next day and got compliments by men and she took their nr. She didn’t give her nr out. It irritates me but she said it’s first time it happens to her and she was surprised by the flirts from strangers. I asked if she told them she’s taken but she said no. Her reason was that it’s a private thing. Why private i asked? Am I an option to her like the rest? I kept asking if the guy from tinder also knows if she’s taken cause what’s the point of setting a meeting time and place with him if you’re taken? It’s a hook up app! When the day ended, I texted her “good night beautiful, it’s very unusual what happened today. It’s weird for me” she started cursing at me and crying that I meant she’s ugly and how strangers flirted with her. I told her that it’s impossible that such thing comes out from my mouth. I love you and you know it. She replies by saying that my compliments to her since day one are fakes.

She starts to attack me by saying I’m not satisfying her in bed enough and she needs someone else. She also tells me that she’s going to cheat on me just to get rid of me. Few hours later she tells me that she said what she said cause of anger but never said sorry to me. I told her sorry and it never was that i don’t trust her, but the cheating threatening and taking a strangers nr and texting a guy from tinder is too much for me to handle on my heart while being away from her. She don’t seem to care and proceeds to block me everywhere. She also used my bad proposal way as a reason to break up with me. Like WTF? She said yes 3 months ago! She could say no 3 months ago

Now I’m blocked. She refuses to give me a good reason for the break up. I’m in pain and confusion. She refuse to tell me what I did wrong.

Guys please react with me

  1. Dude you gotta break up with this person. From what I’m reading your relationship is very toxic and sadly you are enabling it to happen. She doesn’t care about you despite you caring about her. I would break things off with her and take a break for a bit. She isn’t the one for you and the fact that she has constantly tried to cheat on you should have been huge red flags but hey love blinds.

  2. >Few days ago I advised her to instal tinder

    Why? You’ve already acknowledged you have trust issues, you know what this app is for (as you talk about later on) why would you encourage her to install it then get upset that she gets the exact type of attention the app is designed for? That makes no sense.

    >I expected her to find girls

    Again, why? Based on your description of your relationship, she’s not a lesbian, why would she be looking for girls on tinder?

    You sound like you don’t need to be in a relationship and you need to work on your own insecurities.

  3. Your to young/immature to get married. Whatever you do, don’t get her pregnant.

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