I’ve been trying online dating for a few weeks now and I’ve been getting a lot of matches but I’ve noticed you can get ghosted so fast like I can send two messages to start a convo then they stop responding. I haven’t started cold approaching because I feel like if I can’t even get a convo going over the phone that it would go very bad in person.

  1. not a waste of time if you don’t make apps your main priority. Loads of flakey people on there that just want to hookup. Been using apps for a year and finally found a high quality women that isn’t flakey and wants a real connection. Just have to weed through the shit. Dating is never easy.

  2. OLD is as good as you make it. Don’t stake you wellbeing on it and you’ll be fine. Cold Approach can be just as bad.

  3. I had success there. Not a waste of time, but for a guy harsh on ego.

    Women get ego boost, but have other issues related to too much traffic, etc.

  4. It’s a total waste of time…… flakey people, shitty attitudes, nobody puts in effort and nobody knows how to actually communicate. It’s beyond pathetic how low the bar is yet people still find ways to trip over it…..

  5. The same challenges can occur with offline dating as well.

    It’s not about *where* you meet but rather *who* you meet that counts.

    You shouldn’t just rely on *one method* for meeting new people/dating prospects.

    Maybe you should expand your network of single friends to go out and *socialize* with.

    A lot of employers sponsor after hour events for their employees to participate in.

    Join a few hobby/interest groups on the Meetup site.

    Consider subscribing to a (niche dating site) which caters to specific trait or characteristic you have or are looking for in another person. Not all online dating sites are the same.

    What you want should determine *where* you shop!

    ***”Dating is primarily a numbers game…. People usually go through a lot of people to find good relationships. That’s just the way it is.”*** – Henry Cloud

    Best wishes!

  6. Any little thing you say that they didn’t like and you get ghosted quick, no questions asked…

  7. From the girl Im talking to she said she literally had 400 matches. Imagine you had 400 emails at work. Without folders it can be pretty hard to organize and recall who made you feel good, who was a dick, who was boring, who had potential, etc.

    Shits dumb. The App should limit user interactions. So if you are matched with say 20 people you cant be matched or showed to anyone else. This would hopefully fix the issue on both ends.

  8. From a woman’s perspective, and I do consider myself to be relatively attractive and I’ve learned along the way what’s desired and what’s not, and I STILL get ghosted. Men, and I assume we do too, constantly ACT like they are interested, and they play it spooooo well, then they just disappear and you’ll probably never know why.

    If you have patience and learn not to get hurt, it’s not. I couldn’t see how it’s much different from dating in person.

  9. Not at all a waste of time; people say it is because they RELY on the apps and don’t change their approaches. It worked for me a short, balding, chubby, Indian dude so why can’t it work for you? You really need to look within and be objective about what you see. Just don’t over invest into people you haven’t even met yet.

  10. Everyone is gonna have a different experience. I’ve been using online dating HEAVILY since covid and have had decent success. 1 LTR, 1 FWB, a few one night stands. Sometimes it gets frustrating, or your feelings get hurt, or you hurt someone else’s feelings, but that’s dating in general.

    I’ll tell you what I always tell my friend: if you are single, and don’t want to be single, than you have absolutely nothing to lose putting yourself out there on OLD.

  11. Ahhh. Modern kids.

    Why don’t you try getting dates the old fashion way, and tell me if OLD sucks.

    I’ve experienced both worlds. And can tell you, OLD is 10,000 times better.

    Before-OLD. me and most of my friends would be lucky to get 1 date in a year. Nevermind a GF. And after age 22, and you’ve left school, meeting people was virtually impossible.

    I can appreciate OLD sucks. Nothing is perfect. But trust me. It’s way better. No. It’s waaaaaayyyy better

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