What do you think of woman who don’t wear a bra in public? Do you always wear a bra?

  1. I’m indifferent to whether a woman wears a bra or not. I don’t always wear one, I find it more comfortable to go without but I do wear one while at work.

  2. I personally always wear a bra, but don’t care if other women do it or not. Totally indifferent to me.

  3. I don’t think other people’s underwear choices are really any concern of mine, and I don’t look for ways to be judgemental.

  4. I always wear a bra because I’m big and it’s more comfortable to wear one than not. Honestly if someone is small-chested I’d never notice – if the person is bigger I just wonder why, because I know exactly how painful it can be to be unsupported.

  5. I wouldn’t notice. I don’t look that hard at people. Honestly, I wouldn’t care. Their life.

  6. I always do because I feel more comfortable that way, but I don’t care what other women do.

  7. I don’t care. I haven’t worn a bra since my teen years either. I’m of the belief that everyone should wear whatever they feel like wearing and bras are no excpeiton

  8. They only reason it bothers me if my friends go out braless and end up complaining the entire time about sweaty underboob and back folds as they put it!
    Then they want to try clothes on in stores and nothing fits right, plus they have transferred their sweat to the clothes.
    I’m a 38DD and wear a bra most of the time out of the house, the bra allows me some waist shape, but not everyone is bothered by that.
    Otherwise, if the person is content being braless then it doesn’t bother me.

  9. I always wear one I got the big tata’s they need support lol 🤣. I don’t care what others do.

  10. Other people’s underwear isn’t my business.

    I haven’t worn a real bra in years. Bralettes or camisoles are way more comfortable.

  11. I don’t care what other women choose. As long as they are comfortable and safe, they are welcome to choose to wear a bra or not based on their preferences.

    I do wear bras commonly. For me, it is most comfortable to do so.

  12. I used to think it was weird or trashy to not wear a bra, but that was when I was a teenager and way less comfortable with the existence of boobs (+culturally no women I knew left the house without ample coverage).

    Now I really don’t care and honestly wish the 90s no bra look was more normalized. We aren’t scandalized by male chest bumps.

    Viva la nipple.

  13. I only wear one when I have to, I actively pursue outfits that don’t need one. I don’t care about anyone elses tits

  14. I don’t care about others underwear. We all can dress how we want. I don’t wear one sometimes because I know I look good that way but I know from my sister how painful it can be to go without one for the more blessed ladies

  15. I have a bigger chest so I 90% of the time wear a bra otherwise I wear a hoodie and I’m just running into the store for 5 minutes. But I couldn’t care less if women don’t wear one. Don’t even notice tbh

  16. I always wear a bra due to my size. But if I where smaller and firmer I wouldn’t. Each to their own though

  17. Even if i had the boobs too i personally wouldnt but i doubt i would notice if anyone else does or doesn’t. Im generally not staring at other peoples breasts

  18. I think they’re lucky. If I tried that would get a black eye driving over a speed bump.

  19. Women who don’t wear bras in public are doing what’s best and most comfortable for them just like I do when I wear a bra everyday.

  20. My bra choice (or lack of) depends on my outfit.

    I have never once thought about another woman’s bra status. Free the nip or strap em up, what ever works for you!

  21. I always wear one in public but honestly admire those who don’t. I think in a work setting it’s a must, but aside from that I wish I had the guts to go without sometimes.

  22. I don’t usually wear one and don’t pay attention to whether other people are wearing them. Just not even slightly important.

  23. I mean it’s their choice what to do with their bodies… but I have nipple barbells and I’m incredibly self conscious of my shape that I could never. I’d look like an overweight child…

  24. Other people’s underwear is none of my business. But if I’m not wearing a bra, I’m wearing an overbust corset.

  25. I do go bra-less sometimes, only with a big sweatshirt or under a jacket. I used to be judgy when I noticed someone else not wearing one, but I’m not anymore. Bras are uncomfy and sometimes it’s so hot outside I can’t bear wearing extra clothing.

  26. i think it should be a personal choice. some women prefer it but i never wear one because my boobs are small i can even go running without one and it doesnt bother me at all. to me bras just feel uncomfortable and i don’t want to be shamed for not wearing one but i totally see why other people would want to wear them

  27. I wear a bra because I hate looking like a pancake so it gives me some shape. I also don’t personally like knowing people would be seeing my nipples poke through. But other women? I truly do not care – whatever makes you feel comfortable.

  28. I always do because mine are very big but I wish I had smaller size so I could braless like some women 😩

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