My gf and I went to a bar with her friend group. I pissed her off initially in the night and she forgave me pretty quickly and we wrong on to a nightclub. Her friend group is pretty close. I was grinding on her and her friend in that group joined in and got in front of her and it was like a three way grinding line and my gf was grinding on her female friend. The girls in the group typically dance with each other and this same girl joined in on the grinding another girl while her bf was grinding her from the back. He didn’t seem to care but I made a fuss as soon as I saw her friend joining in. She got upset with me and like it took like up until half of the next day for us to make up. She was annoyed with me and felt like I was “controlling her” and was cold to me after that. I don’t know how I should feel about it but she said it was “just a her friend” and like I ended up apologizing to her because I didn’t wanna ruin the night for her. Thoughts on this? Am i wrong to feel weird ab my gf grinding on her female friend while I was grinding my gf?

TL:DR My(M22) gf(F21) grinding on her female friend at the club while I was grinding on her ? Is this acceptable and should I be bothered by this?

  1. There isn’t an “acceptable” or “not acceptable” when it comes to this. It’s about your boundaries and what you’re comfortable with and it’s okay to feel however you do. But, you also need to express that clearly to your gf so she’s aware, and she gets to decide if they fly with her or not. This is where compromise might come in, but it’s a discussion. It’s always a discussion. Tell her how the situation made you feel. Try to be explicit why.

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