How do you cope with stress?

  1. Long term, I focus on what motivates me and my goals. I rely on my support system and find positive ways to release the stress or focus it towards working towards clear objectives

    Short term, I masturbate

  2. Weed, clonazepam, coffee, porn, zolpidem, playing with my cats, ordering food and eating with my wife, gym.

  3. Recently started doing meditation and it helped tons. Even a 5 mins sit and breathing exercises helps

  4. Dealing with one thing at a time and realizing that I do what I can and just leave it at that, my best is all I can do.

  5. a) don’t sweat the small stuff

    b) it’s all small stuff


    It sounds flippant, but it isn’t. If no one is going to die because of you, it can be handled. If there’s nothing you can personally do to fix whatever the situation is, then there’s no stress on you that you’re not putting on yourself. Don’t let someone else tell you that something is your responsibility when it isn’t- I’ve found that most of the time the person who’s putting stress on you to fix/do something is usually the person who’s ACTUALLY responsible for it (either they caused it, or they’re really the one who’s supposed to fix it, usually both).

  6. Can’t really call it coping if it’s been chronic. I isolate myself to be reflective and organize myself

  7. Circumstances both in an out of my control have led my understanding of “just deal with it” to become “Just let this potentially resolvable issue walk all over you” so it’s pretty much:

    – Resolve the thing stressing me

    – Go do ANYTHING else.

  8. Music & time with my SO seems to do the trick. If neither are available then i just endure it

  9. I rewind where is the stress coming from? I try to logically analyse and answer questions whether its me taking the stress and the person was just too frustrated? Its a big deal. If the person was frustated and releasing his anger in front of me then he must be in trouble or he is an idiot. Thats all. Then i enjoy my my music and sleep peacefully.

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