If your partner was going to plan a date night for you, what would you like it to involve?

  1. You’re overthinking… Just make a plan and do something. That’s what most men will want.

  2. Connection, I enjoy going somewhere where you feel like a team, art museum, fake going to buy houses, or fake car buyers. (btw this is completely me , i find it very funny to work as a kinda improve due and spin lies) dont fucking due this with the wrong person, im weird

  3. Anything really.

    Good food, a good movie, and some intimate time is always great.

    A trip somewhere would be fun too. Something simple. Laser tag, batting cages, or something like that. Bowling is fun too.

    Going to the lake or beach is another good date idea.

    I’m not really picky. Just spending the time together is all I’d want.

  4. Remember, he is not here (unless he is and you are waiting for an answer from him).

    Someone, already did that anything is good. Autumn evening, good dinner like sushi with green tea, then good horror movie, fluffy blanket, hot coco and mini marshmallows.

  5. I’m not really that picky. I like going out to dinner, maybe taking a nice walk somewhere afterwards.

  6. I would want sex to be involved. But I really just want to be taken out and free of planning the night, I always have to plan and organize, take that burden off of me and do something that either we both like or that I like and I’m set.

  7. Dinner at one of my favorite restaurants, literally one drink at the bar, stop at the ice cream shop to pickup dessert to have back at home, and then go to bed early so that we can do whatever we’re in the mood for.

  8. Adrenaline, food, and intellectual stimulation. Not necessarily in that order.

  9. Best date night I’ve ever had a woman plan for me involved us driving into the nearest national park where we walked in the hills and climbed to the highest point we could find. We watched the sunset and had some food she’d made and packed. We were muddy, sweaty and exhausted by the end of it but then I like it that way. Hell, a woman would get top marks for a date night that consisted solely of “wanna go for a run?”, no need to do anything fancy.

  10. Skeeball. Skeet shooting. Go karts. Kayaking. Nature walk. Axe throwing. Mini golf.

    Any of these ideas would be awesome. It doesn’t have to be flashy or expensive, just an honest effort to have a good time together.

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