Ability to jump for me, no more ladders

  1. The secret teachings of all ages

    …and then, everything about the guitar and shred like a muthafukka!

  2. Comp,lete understanding of enough coding to not only develop my own coding language and know it in-and-out, but enough to develop it to become one of if not the most all-around potent language.

  3. finding the exact value of trigonometric functions (in radian form).

    dude, that shit can get intense.

    and maybe some of the rules for manipulating fractions because you think you know and then every once in a while you fuck up. dude, rationalizing the fucking denominator is a big fucking deal sometimes. You got to get it right as fucking rain. you can’t just have a square root just chillin downstairs. it’s not allows.

  4. The matrix is real. You have been cheated by your DNA.

    DNA creates a false reality where you must act for not to be bored (like “I am nothing, I am here for objects and to act”).

    The first thing I would download is the words : “my DNA cheated me. I AM, and not here for the objects”.

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