So I’ve been with my girlfriend for over 3 years now. We’re both 23 years old. Yesterday I was sick and coughing non stop. I had to drive to another town to get some documents done and she accompanied me. While i was coughing she suddenly said to me “stop coughing it’s disgusting” and that just made me feel so bad. I didnt dare to cough even though i wanted to so badly. We also went for breakfast earlier and i was trying to find a parking spot. After spending about 20 mins trying to find one, i could only park at a spot that requires a 3 minutes walk to breakfast place. She got so upset and making angry faces with cold shoulder to me. I didnt know why either. Her mood improved after breakfast. Today, my sickness got worse and I’m basically having fever and tiredness. To make it worse, her family invited me for dinner tonight and I gave so many hints saying im very sick but she still suggested everything except for skipping dinner. I did tell her if im too sick i wouldnt be able to make it then she said she feel like im avoiding her family on purpose. Man am i being delusional or she’s just not willing compensate.

  1. When your partner is always saying the negative on you, two choice.
    You decide to stop the relationship
    You continue praying because you love her and wishing she will open the eyes and change
    Whatever, that include you will suffer. There are love inside all this ? If you think she doesnt love you or never say, better to stop.
    If you think she is fine and just saying bad some sentences but dont want bless you so the best is wait and someday have a discussion with her about his way to treat you like if you are always the problem etc.

    Be careful thats toxique I know because Im sure if you talk about it with her she will be mad on you and treat you like stupid to talk about that etc etc.


    Good luck…

  2. She sounds selfish. She should be caring and loving when you’re sick, not cold and selfish. Not someone I’d want to be with. Best of luck!

  3. How about you stop hinting and start standing up for yourself? “I’m sick, I can’t”. Both of you seem immature to be in a relationship, she’s bitter and controlling and you can’t stand up for yourself.

  4. She is an asshole but, even though the pandemic is over, it’s probably not smart to go somewhere to get some documents done when you’re sick.

  5. The fact she isn’t even attempting to comfort you or care for you during your sickness is a huge no go. Idk your relationship but you should def confront her about this situation and how you felt before making any final decisions and regret anything. You’re def not delusional

  6. Have you never been sick in the three years of dating? Is that out of character for her? Regardless it’s absolutely not ok and if talking about it doesn’t help I would break up with her

  7. You should really stop going out in public when it sounds like you have COVID. You are both being childish.

  8. If you have patience then talk to her about how her apathy makes you feel undervalued and if she would like the same treatment when she gets sick and feels vulnerable.

    If she doesn’t get it or if you don’t have the energy then just break up with her. She sounds immature. Don’t waste your time.

  9. You not feeling well and your gf response is to tell you to stop coughing.. and then trying to force you to a dinner while your sick. She is selfish and really don’t seem to care about your health. Also please stay home sounds like Covid.

  10. You’re sick. Stay home. Take care of yourself.

    Your gf is a very insensitive selfish jerk. Lose her and you’ll feel better sooner.

  11. >While i was coughing she suddenly said to me “stop coughing it’s disgusting”

    Wait, what?

    >After spending about 20 mins trying to find one, i could only park at a spot that requires a 3 minutes walk to breakfast place. She got so upset and making angry faces with cold shoulder to me.

    Again, what?

    > I did tell her if im too sick i wouldnt be able to make it then she said she feel like im avoiding her family on purpose.

    Wait, again, what?

    In a world where COVID exist, it’s best to stay home if you’re sick.

    You might want to consider going to urgent care or emergency room if you’re getting sicker.

    Your girlfriend on the other hand…. Yikes…

    You are a bit yikes for going out well sick to get documents fully knowing that COVID exist.

    If you don’t know what you have and you decide to go out anyway fully knowing COVID is a thing… That is irresponsible and selfish.

    Edit: Clarity.

  12. Get you some chicken stock Ginger onion and garlic great the ginger dice the onion and garlic drop it in a pot brown with butter, had your check in stock let it simmer and enjoy your sick soup get some fluids in you and get some rest and tell her to leave you the hell alone.

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