So I’ve been dating this girl for a month now. Im not considering myself beautiful, im a male, 33, really malnourished, have a stoma bag, didn’t have a real girlfriend beside of a few months. I met a girl on Facebook dating app. We clicked but we don’t click as much as other people i’ve clicked before. But she doesn’t care about my appearance, she find me funny and cute.

Few things im concerned about on my part. How to sound not like a piece of shit… I’ve already talked to her that I dont want to go to fast, that I dont have any experience in a relationship, but we do talk every day and see each other 3-4 times a week. The thing is, im really comfortable with her but she’s very introvert (which im too) But I feel sometimes I have to be extravert just to try to know her more, what’s in her head, what she is thinking, she’s too shy but say stuff. Or maybe im going too fast in that department. Anyway she’s already introduced me to her parents. I do believe she’s more into me than I am into her and I think this is why im still thinking…. what is love?

Like I said im comfortable with her but I don’t want to be with her just to be with someone who care for me. And the last thing I want is for her to be sad if something happen. Is it normal that I only find her just kinda cute? Is it horrible to think that? Few of my friends said it took months before you can say they really liked the other person. I was always more into girls that are extravert, have a big smile, big eyes, doesnt shy on saying what they think…. quite the contrary of her.

But what I want to find is my best friend, but it’s so easier when you dont have the pressure of dating in the first place.

  1. A month is a little early to talk about love.

    There must be something that attracted you to her and made the step to start dating.

    Give it some more time.

    And believe me introverts make better partners than extraverts that are out partying every weekend and chatting with other dudes….

    Love is feeling peace and someone that makes you feel at home.

  2. It’s only been a month, don’t start putting pressure on yourself. If the doubts don’t go away and your feelings don’t develop any further over the next month(s) then end it, but not all relationships start with a bang, some develop slowly but doesn’t mean they can’t be great.

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