I use Iphone because my first phone was an iphone and that i really like the technology.

Edit: I understand that not all of you have had a good experience and that you guys switched.

Another Edit: I understand that some people switch to android and they used it for so long that they forgot how to use the IPhone

  1. False premise, I use a Samsung fold. Apple as a company hasn’t really innovated anything in years, Samsung has its faults but they’re trying, on some level.

  2. I don’t. Sincerely, the Android Master Race.

    For real tho, I switched away from iPhone because it was getting far too restrictive. I mean they removed the headphone jack for fuck’s sake.

  3. I use one because my career path took me to an industry that mostly uses technology in the Apple ecosystem and my windows computer and Verizon whatever phone weren’t compatible. So I made the switch to a MacBook and an IPhone.

    Turns out I like my IPhone more than the Android phones I’ve handled since then.

  4. I don’t. I’ve used Android for so long that I struggle figuring out how to do basic things on my wife’s iPhone

  5. They’re convenient. That’s about it. I’ve had Androids, I’ve had iPhones. Honestly I don’t really care what phone I have.

  6. Those that I know who use iPhones was because it was easier to get them set up, and now they’re stuck in that ecosystem

  7. I’ve only ever had android phones. I had such major issues with my MacBook pro that it completely put me off the brand.

  8. I don’t. I switched years ago because I got tired of all my cables breaking and apple not being compatible with third parties.

    Switched to a pixel and I like it a lot better actually. I have an iPhone 11 for work, not a fan at all anymore.

  9. My first smartphone was a iphone. I’m also use to using a iphone and the apple ecosystem.

  10. I used androids until a few years ago, got an iPhone (carry two) at my current job, and when my last phone unexpectedly broke (puppy…) I replaced it with an iPhone.

    iPhones do most of the things that matter for me better than Android in my opinion.

    * iOS tends to have fewer bad apps than Android.
    * iOS counterparts of Android apps tend to work better and be more well supported.
    * iOS tends to be better about privacy than Android.
    * iOS has *much* better software support.
    * iMessage/FaceTime

    I had androids for about 10 years. I started out with an HTC Droid Incredible in 2010ish, then a Samsung Galaxy S4 in 2013, then a Galaxy S7 in 2016, then an iPhone 12 Pro in 2020.

  11. I use iPhone cuz I love the camera quality and I’m a heavy social media user.

    I came from an android phone and for some reason when I upload pics on Instagram or snap it comes out pixelated or blurry and faces look super pale.

  12. I don’t. The only Apple product I own is a 2G iPod Touch which I received as a birthday gift, and I’ve kept it only because it’s engraved. Every smartphone I’ve owned has been an Android. I refuse even to consider using an iPhone until Apple joins RCS and the BS about text message bubble colors stops. Nobody cares except Apple dweebs. Adopting USB-C on iPhones would be another huge improvement. Apple holds us back from so many things because Steve Jobs was an asshole.

    He’s dead. Time to move on.

  13. I don’t. I use Android.

    Back when I was first in the market for a smartphone (≈2010), I used a friend’s iPhone and another friend’s Motorola Droid. Android was a way more straightforward and user-friendly interface. Still is.

    Also, Android being untethered from manufacturers enables competition, differentiation, experimentation in the cell phones available to me.

    Like, what even is the point of iPhone reviews? Apple users are just gonna buy whatever Apple is selling.

  14. I used to use an iPhone because that was the phone issued by the company I worked for. I am now on Samsung.

  15. Never owned an Iphone or any apple tech, I don’t like the user interface on them when I use other people’s devices so I don’t want to buy one for myself.

  16. I’ve actually never owned an Apple product, believe it or not. I don’t really like Android either but it’s what I’m used to now.

  17. Compatibility with my hearing aids-Lots of Androids claim to be compatible but they fail. I bought the new Samsung based on their compatibility claim and had to return it. I could understand if I was using some cheap/obscure brand but they are premium devices. iPhones pair easily and reliably. Samsung simply said it must be that your device is not compatible, go buy new ones. Can I find a list of what is? No. Fuck me-the hearing aids are 5x the price of a phone. That bullshit s22 has to go back.

  18. I had an iPhone for a day and a half. I hated it.

    I’ve been using Android ever since. My boyfriend has iPhone and I get confused every time I have to use his phone. It’s jist not as intuitive or user friendly as my android.

  19. Apple music, Apple TV, icloud backup. I don’t want to re purchase my music or movies if I get an android

  20. I’ve switched back and forth between Android and iPhone. I’ve had roughly the same number of both. I started on Android with the G1. I currently have an iPhone and will probably get another next time. Fact of the matter it just works more of the time, and is a more polished experience overall. My feeling with previous Android phones was that they were great and highly supported for the first year or so, but then OEMs and google’s focus shifted to the newer models. I’m on year 3 with my iPhone and it still feels fresh. I also like that it syncs easily with iCloud with my macbook (and PC).

  21. I’ve had a cellphone since 1998. Since the emergence of smartphones, I’ve always had an android for personal use. I had to use apple products for a job.I didn’t like them, likely because I was used to android and I didn’t appreciate the fact that they were on their own operating system. I don’t foresee myself ever buying an iPhone or apple products for personal use.

  22. It’s easy to use for people who aren’t great with technology, and I trust Apple *slightly* more when it comes to privacy.

  23. I got an iPhone because at the time a Mac was my computer and I liked being able to have everything synced. Haven’t really had much of problem with iPhones so I just kept using them.

  24. I’m an Apple user across the board, except for my work computer because Outlook is easier to navigate on Windows.

    Most of my relatives have switched over to the dark side and have embraced getting iPhones. They like the longevity of the iPhones vs. Android, once they have gotten used to using an iPhone.

  25. Way back when rocks were soft, about 2010 or so?, the Geocaching app was released and it was only available on iPhones. So I turned in my flip phone and bought an iPhone.

    I’ve never had a particular reason to switch… Anything I’d use earphones for are on my Android tablet anyhow.

  26. I don’t. It’s strange almost everyone I know has an android. My friends are also more tech inclined so that may explain some of it. I prefer Samsung Galaxy over IPhone. Its just personal preference. I could learn Apple IO fairly quickly but the Galaxy has surpassed the IPhone in several key areas, while being on par with them in most others for slightly less.

  27. Apple has a lot of filthy practices like social engineering to get people to pressure others into getting iPhone, like imesseges and chargers being deliberately incompatible with their competitors. Its a social thing, and people are lemmings.

  28. I’ve never used an iPhone. I’ve bought lots of different hardware over the years; Motorola was my favorite pre-smartphone manufacturer. Since switching over to smartphones, I’ve bought only those who deploy Android.

  29. I don’t. I have had both, and just prefer how android does lots of things. I even had a couple years where I had an android for personal use and an iPhone for work.

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