how did this play out? i like a guy who isn’t and want to see if waiting might help

  1. Yes I have, we were on again off again because I just couldn’t trust that he was fully over her. He was my first bf so I ignored all the signs, but he wasn’t ready to move on and I needed him to and this caused a great deal of resentment throughout alot of our relationship. It feels like they are lying to you, but they are lying to themselves. Ask yourself if you want to be with someone who is using you to avoid the pain of someone else.

  2. No. Please do not waste your time. You’re better off living your life and if he comes back, then great. If not, continue to date others or not, but don’t “wait” for absolutely anyone. No one is worth more than your time, especially if they do not love you and it’s one sided. Good luck!

  3. When you say he is not over his ex, do you mean as in he is still actively trying to pursue her and not interested in a new relationship or is he just still grieving the loss of that relationship? Because if it is the latter it can work and I think the rest of the commenters should not be so judgmental of this if the latter is the case.

  4. Its very likely that as soon as things go rocky between the two of you, they will be texting their ex. That doesn’t mean they don’t have honest intentions though. It’s up to you to decide if it’s worth the risk.

    Though don’t take the disrespect that is them speaking of their ex in your presence. They deserve support but you deserve respect.

  5. Nope, don’t waste your time.

    Find someone who is emotionally available and can focus all their energy on you.

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