My boyfriend has had some health complications for the last year. Because of this, he was super strict with Covid restrictions. I understood, but would get upset if he all of a sudden ditched his own Covid rules he sets for us in order to hang with his friends. We didn’t go out to any restaurant but he would go to restaurants with his friends. I brought it up as it started to annoy me. Because of that, he felt like it would be safer to not hang out with his friends at all. (He was getting mad that I told him it would annoy me.) A few months later, I met two of his friends that are girls. The one friend was super nice, while the other one was standoffish and not very welcoming. She also got a little too close to him, which I wasn’t a huge fan of. I brought it up again and also said I would be uncomfortable if he only hung out with those two girls and no other guys involved. Because of this, he thinks it would be easier to not hang out with his friends at all. I have been trying to tell him he doesn’t need to ditch his friends, just certain things (because of certain conditions) made me feel uncomfortable. Lately, he has been super depressed about it. I told him to go hang with his friends, as I have been telling him for weeks. He finally is listening to me but his other friends are busy with their fiancés and girlfriends. The only ones that can always hang out are the two girls. He has been giving me the cold shoulder and holding resentment toward me for this for a few months now. I don’t know what to do anymore.

Edit: it is to the point where he won’t even hang out with me on Friday nights anymore.

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