
I’m 33 , but I have long refractory period . It takes more than 6 hours until I can actually go again.

Does this happen to anyone else ? Is there something to decrease the cooldown (something natural or exercises) ?


  1. If she is still fired up and not afraid to continue to address her situation and play.. plus with the addition of having you for her personal audience….. it won’t take you long.. BET!!

  2. The President and Mrs. Coolidge were being shown around an experimental government farm. When she came to the chicken yard she noticed that a rooster was mating very frequently. She asked the attendant how often that happened and was told, “Dozens of times each day.” Mrs. Coolidge said, “Tell that to the President when he comes by.” Upon being told, Coolidge asked, “Same hen every time?” The reply was, “Oh no, Mr. President, a different hen every time.” Coolidge: “Tell that to Mrs. Coolidge!”

  3. I’m 50. A few things that help me.

    For me there are a few things but ultimately it comes down to not cumming or if I do, immediately after I concentrate on her and her body regardless of how I feel. A lot of times, there is that immediate feeling after of just being done but if I push and explore a little, it comes back. It’s like sitting on the couch and not wanting to exercise… but once I start, I’m so into it.

    The basics.

    – Don’t drink too much. As you age, not having a drink is probably best.

    – Don’t eat too much.

    – Try to plan sex so it’s not when you’re exhausted.

    – Do stay healthy. I see a lot of people commenting on exercise. While I 100% agree on this, if I have an intense workout and then have sex: 1) I’m going to last forever and 2) when I cum, I will be done for a while. I’m just physically taxed.

    – One option is not to cum. Just keep it going and slow down when you need to. Or I sometimes have a “half-orgasm”. It takes some practice because if you go over the edge, well, you have. If you can perfect the half-orgasm, it takes the edge off and it barely loses hardness, at least for me.

    – Often times it’s a head game. If after you have an orgasm, you’re like, ugh, that was awesome, I’m done. Well, then you probably are done. If you view it as, that was awesome! Let’s keep exploring and see what happens, then your body will tend to follow your mind.

    – This is the one that works for me. Immediately after having an orgasm, I go pee. I may give myself a little bit of a pep talk here. Not in, get hard again but more like, she’s awesome, let’s see what happens if I just explore her. Even though I’m “done”, I go back to bed and concentrate on her. If she is still worked up then it can be sexual, oral, finger, etc. If she is done or in a chill state, then I just caress her, look at her body, try to touch her in a way that feels good. All 100% of my attention is on her. The way she looks, the way her skin feels, her smell, the reactions I can cause by my touch, it’s all about her and that usually brings me back pretty quick.

    If you truly have a long refractory period and can’t get back into it, then the best bet might be learning the half-orgasm technique. Also, a side note. The second orgasm for me is soooo intense!

  4. give your body the ingredients to jack off again. namely, vitD,magnesium,zinc,halfcooked eggs, herbs, etc anything that increases testosterone will probably work

  5. Cabergoline. It’a a dopamine agonist. It will reduce prolactin and many guys report having a greatly decreased refactory period.

    That said, it’s a harsh drug and you shouldn’t fuck with your hormones.

  6. Healthy diet, frequent exercise, good sleep, hydration, minimize stimulants/drugs/booze

    All those things; healthy everywhere is healthy everywhere

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