Hey Reddit. I’m Zoe (18) and I’m in a pretty weird situation in regards to my relationship. Basically I live in the Middle East. The guy I’m going out with- D(17) is from my country but has lived in the states his whole life.
His mom a year ago moved here. Every year he comes and visits for the summer. Anyways… I have always been very single and no one seems to find me attractive. But D does and he really makes me feel great about myself. I feel very lucky that I found someone this great that has so much in common with me, I find super attractive and actually likes me. And now to the problem (s).

1. On the 26th of August he goes back to the states meaning I don’t see him irl in a year.
2. He had a shitty previous relationship and now he seems to be hesitant on labelling us. Even though we’ve gone out plenty and are gradually getting more intimate.

My opinions on the matter:
1. We’ve talked and kinda came to the mutual agreement we’re willing to give ldr a chance. If it doesn’t work it doesn’t work. We’ve known each other since jan 2021 and we’ve been talking on discord throughout the year and that’s been nice. Though we’ve only been going out romantically this summer in irl.
2. I feel like I’d be much more reassured knowing he’s my boyfriend when he leaves and not just “a guy I’m going out with.”

I’m just confused… not sure I’m making right choices and I don’t have many people to talk with or ask about it who can give me meaningful advice. If you’ve got any please writeee❤️ thank you.

Ps. He says he’s interested in moving here sometime… but he has his senior year left to do in the states at minimum

TLDR; Me Zoe (18) lives in Middle East is dating D(17) lives in America. D visits every year in the summer. After dating the whole summer they are considering an ldr.

1 comment
  1. This isn’t really going to work out long distance unless you are both 100% committed and he is not. I don’t want you to get your hopes up.

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