If you could tell your parents how you really feel about them without facing any backlash, what would you say to them?

  1. I love them, but I wish they would have decided to grow up and actually do some parenting. I wish they would have figured out that they were the adults and that we were the children.

  2. To my mom. Im sorry I hated you for so long. It wasnt hate it was fear of growing up in a way that my father painted you as. I love you and every day I learn from you. If I can be half the mom you are someday tht would be more than enough.


    TO my father….fuck you in so many ways. Fuck your addictions and your fake recoveries. Fuck your incessant need to control everything and everyone and everyone’s perception of you and our family. Fuck your lies and your manipulation. How dare you attempt to buy the love of my kids since you could not buy mine.


    To my step dad. Thank you for beleiving me about the abuse I had endured and for trying to help me. Im sorry I was so evil to you. I was lost in my hurt from the divorce and had the whispers of my father in my ear that you were trying to replace him.


    To my stepmom……..I am so happy you are dead. Never again will I have to justify my self to you. Never again will I have to feel less than your children. Never again will I have to listen to you spew your vile hatred cloaked in the words of a being a good christian. My dad was bad before you but you turned him horrible. YOu used his own issues against him and poisoned him irrevocably

  3. I spend time with you as an adult because it is easy to chat with someone you have known your whole life. You give me updates on my cousins. We have hobbies in common. You make great food.

    You are acquaintances and I take advantage of your hospitality.

    YOU OWE ME because you shit on the first 18 years of my life and damn right I will take what’s owed in Christmas presents and delicious leftovers and help with renovations and the illusion of a real goddamn family.

    And I know you play along, never mentioning how I “forget” all the fathers and mothers days and your birthdays. I guess we all get a kick out of playing house.

    Until I have kids.

  4. I love my mom, she is a great support system. But she has a tendency to dislike everyone and I really wish she would give people a chance.

    My dad… he’s a good person but he’s not the best father. He wasn’t involved much with my upbringing even though my parents were married during most of my childhood. I wish he were more present and understood the affect it had on me not really having a relationship with him. I also wish he knew he doesn’t need his girlfriend and he can do much better than her.

  5. Nothing I don’t already say to them. I have very few negative things to say about my dad and my mom completely ignores all constructive criticism she’s received her entire life.

  6. To my mom: I have zero respect for you and think you are a complete waste of oxygen. I chose to not let my kids around you because you don’t deserve a relationship with them.

    To my dad: you are the most amazing person I know. (But he already knows this)

  7. I love you both tremendously but you two are idiots. You had a kid because you were trying to piss people off and I’m the one stuck with the trauma.

  8. To my mom: you are a wonderful person just the way you are. Please stop taking everything so personally and treating it as a personal attack when it’s not. You are good enough!

    To my dad: I’m sorry you were emotionally neglected as a kid. It has stunted you and being hypercritical of everyone isn’t going to fill that void. Getting therapy is not weakness, so go do it.

    To both of them: I know you raised me the best way you knew how, in the church you two were also raised in. But for the love of all that is holy, open your eyes and see the church for what it is! It’s a goddamn cult and it’s killing me to see you give them money that you could be saving for retirement.

  9. To my mum. I get youre having a hard time aswell but remember you’re a muther aswell. You’re not the only one who faced a loss. All I ask from you is that you be there for me. I just want you to be proud of me, I gave up so much cause I knew you’ve lost more but it never feels enough. Just pls know I’m trying so you have to try too.

    To my dad. Damn u. I got into honors role multiple times without your help. I invested my time in reading, painting, drawing, journalism, calligraphy, etc. and I learned it all by myself. I hate you for leaving cause that’s the reaosn I had to grow up faster, to take care of what you left behind. So glad my brother will turn out nothing like you

  10. My dad passed away a few years ago, and I wish I would have been my real self around him. I never wanted any confrontation, so I kept all of my opinions and interests to myself. After he died, I felt like a fool. I think he would have really liked me as is. I’d also tell him I’m mad at him for not taking his meds, but that I love him so much.

    My mom is still alive, and we have a pretty good relationship. I guess I’d have a convo with her about her judginess and how it hurt me as a kid/teen, and that even though I love her a lot, she tended to take her bad days out on me when I was young, which isn’t fair, and just caused me a lot of sadness. I’m sure she’d deny this happened, so i don’t ever mention it. But like I said, we have a good relationship now, and I love her as she is.

  11. I love my parents. I’d tell my dad you chose to leave earth and I didn’t know about it until the day you died. I’d let him know I got a bone to pick but I have so much empathy and love, I forgive you and wish I could have helped had I known. To my mom, I say it, but not as harsh…id let her know almost all my issues are from her.

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