So I (f20) have been dating my boyfriend (m44) for almost a year. I love him so so much. We live together, with his kid (m7) He pays rent and bills, groceries, and takes me out sometimes. I pay for our weed. We split cost of laundromat and cigs. I try to keep the house clean for him but he does do a lot of chores. I feel like in the beginning of the relationship, he treated me like a princess, couldn’t even think straight when I would put my hand on his back in public, he was soooo sweet. He is still sweet but I just feel like everything I do annoys him or he feels to need to correct or he ignores me. I don’t think he finds me interesting anymore and I feel like he just likes me a lot less. It hurts typing that tbh. And idk if it’s a self issue, he says he loves me when I bring it up and we both agree that neither of us plan on leaving the other. I just feel way more into him than he is into me, and before it was either even or the other way around. I crave his love and miss feeling that, I’ve been so sad lately because of stupid little things like he’ll ignore me, or get upset at me over something super small, or watching a show we watch together without me, or not giving me a kiss before he leaves the house, or going to bed mad at each other (I told him I didn’t wanna do that the first time we did and he still does) I try to make an effort to make it better but I feel overwhelmed and sad. Pls advise.
TLDR: boyfriend is less romantic and loving to me now than he was before and it makes me feel sad but he says he loves me.

  1. Ahhhh yes – you seemingly have reached the point in the relationship where your old enough to be your father boyfriend has realized that his young enough to be his daughter girlfriend doesn’t have a fully developed brain, and the two of you are in completely different life stages, and not to mention you’re closer to his sons age then his, and let’s wrap it up with he thought you were sexy, cute, funny, ‘mature’, fill in the blank, etc., but he’s realized that the relationship probably isn’t for him.

    Or that’s just one possibility.

  2. You’re old enough to be his daughter. You sure you think you should be with this guy?

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