How often do you guys read books?

  1. I used to knock out one decent sized novel every few days. Now maybe 2 a month. Migraines are far too often to read as voraciously any more.

  2. I don’t feel like I have time to sit down and actually read at this time, so I usually listen to audiobooks. I have several that I listen to over and over again.

  3. Every day, for the most part. Sometimes life gets busy, though, and I can go a week or two without reading.

  4. I am constantly reading because I have too many library books checked out at any given time. I’m currently working my way through 7 right now, and I still have 6 more I haven’t even started yet.

  5. I usually have a gap of a day or so before I start a new one (finding something that I like takes time–I’ve read so much fantasy at this point). So all the time, i.e. pretty much everyday.

    Read/listen. Either/or.

  6. Technically 3-6 a day but that’s with the kids and they’re little. I don’t often have time to just sit and read for an extended period and it’s kind of dangerous for me to indulge so I mostly do audiobooks now. Usually 3-5 a month. I would do more but it gets pricey way too fast.

  7. I set a goal at the beginning of the year and usually end up reading 2-3 hours at night.

  8. When I was young I read a book a day sometimes. Now it’s more like a book a month at best.

  9. Very often, I’m in the middle of a few right now. It takes me longer to finish books as an adult but I still enjoy the ones i get through.

  10. I haven’t read in a while. I’m reading some pretty dense social ecology theory so I’ve been taking a break for a while. When I read, I usually read every day for a few hours.

  11. I read in some medium every day.

    Sometimes it’s a book, other times it’s manga or a webcomic. When I was younger it was fanfics. Some books are physical and others are digital.

    Often times multiple kinds at once.

    *must consume*

  12. I’m currently reading two books. I’m reading a therapy book and I’m reading the little house series with my 8 year old daughter. We read a chapter a night.

    I wasn’t huge in reading growing up except for text books. I liked learning about things but I read more now than I ever did. I know people that don’t read and then people who devour books. It’s interesting that 2 bug book readers I know have commented how they are finding it harder to sit down and read a book. They think it’s the influence of the internet. There has been some research on how reading online is different than a book and how it actually changes your brain. It’s interesting.

  13. Biography’s. Love to read how famous folks/or not have lived their lives. Norman Lear was fucking amazing. Also, Kitty Kelly on Nancy Reagan. A thrift store paper back gem. So many more 💁🏼‍♂️

  14. Sometimes life gets in the way and I can’t read as much as I like, but I always come back to it.

    Been a voracious reader for several decades now.

    In the last month I’ve read 6 novels, started on a seventh, reread a couple volumes of the Sandman comics to refresh my memory for the show, and read through parts of another half a dozen or so books.

  15. Truly read front to back? Maybe 5 a year. I scan books for information all the time though, as it’s part of my job

  16. Strangely, I only read books when I’m on public transport.

    Any other setting feels weird to me. So buses, subway, or plane. It ends up being me reading one or two books in a week then nothing at all for a couple months.

    So maybe 4-5 books a year.

  17. Just finished “The Unbearable Lightness of Being” by Milan Kundera yesterday.

  18. I’m a re-reader so I’m always reading. If my diabetes takes my vision I am out of here

  19. I used to in elementary school recreationally but since then I stopped . The only books I read now are textbooks for class.

  20. Before I had kids – all the time. With toddlers, rarely. I hope to get back to it soon. I have a stack of books on my bedside table and they’re not reading themselves.

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