If you could tell your parents how you really feel about them without facing any backlash, what would you say to them?

  1. I know I’ve had complaints in the past but I also know they’ve tried their best.

    And they’re doing a much better job than I have so far.

  2. Mom – You don’t understand the hurt you caused me, and though I can forgive, it doesn’t mean I’ll ever forget.

    Dad – I wish you would’ve stood up to mom more. You let her walk all over you, and it wasn’t cool to watch you get treated like crap.

  3. That they essentially abandoned me at the age of 11, were indirectly responsible for my brother’s friend grooming me, and failed as parents.

  4. Mom- you should have taken the time to build a career when you were younger. So you wouldn’t struggle now.

    Mom – what made you have 8 kids, did you really lose your mind.

    Dad- You should have done better. Finding a way to complain and argue with everyone in your life just pushes everyone away.

    Dad – You did the bare minimum, we don’t have a relationship and I wish we were close. God bless.

  5. Dad, I hate being around you. Your voice is my Kryptonite and having to hear you constantly preach and sing your own fucking hymns makes me wish I was deaf. Being dragged to places I have no real place in and being around all those zealots you call “brothers in Christ” make me want to kill myself…or them. Whichever comes first.

    I hate the fact that I still rely on you for shelter. I hate the fact that your obsession with that stupid church is apparently more important than helping your two grown kids face the world on their own, or even making sure you yourself are taken care of. I HATE your need to try and force *Sis* and I to join that damn church, and above all, I HATE EVERYTHING YOU STAND FOR.

  6. I miss you both, and wish you two had a chance to see your grandkids. I’ve come to terms with yall’s passing for the most part, but there are moments with them when I want to call you because I had a moment with them like yall had with me. Mom, they are just as smart as you were and like gardening. I guess that skips generations. Dad, they love pancake Sunday with your recipe, and using me for a jungle gym.

  7. Dad – even tho we are cool now my first true memory as a child is you beating my mom after dinner. You left the knife on the counter and I considered stabbing you but I was only 5. I sometimes wish I had.

    Mom – I wish you hadn’t tried to kill yourself. It was way too much for 12 year old me to see and comprehend.

  8. “This life is not for me, I never actually wanted anything y’all set up for me.”

  9. I love you both and understand you tried your best to give me the best life possible.

  10. That my mum occasionally reminds me way too much of her mother, and that old bag is completely nuts.

  11. Mum, why did you bring me in this world. I sometimes wondered why. Especially you didn’t love me and didn’t care about me .

  12. I’d probably revert back to my usual, cheerful people-pleasing self and clam up and never have the guts to say what I actually feel to them without the fear of punishment.

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