How do you deal with your partner being insecure about every fight and assuming it’s the end of the relationship?

  1. That sounds like a deeper issues. As a partner it’s important that you are supportive however its also important that your partner looks after themselves and works on the deeper rooted issue.

    For example, I have minor trust issues laced with the constant urge to run or cut people out of my life following an argument.
    It’s not my partners responsibility to ‘fix’ my emotional damage. Its mine to work on myself and heal myself. It’s my partners responsibility to give me what I need to do that.

    It’s a fine balance and you also need to ask yourself what you want and what your able to give.

    I wish you all the best.

  2. Lots of communication and reassurance. My girlfriend needs physical contact during tough emotional conversations. Sometimes she’ll even need a 5-10 minute breather to get herself together so I give her that space.

  3. I would not be in a relationship with someone like that. They sound exhausting and manipulative.

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