TLDR; Husband still doesn’t have health insurance for me.

When I was a kid, I went to the “Indian Clinic” if I was sick. But that’s not really a good option anymore. I’m basically white, not enough native for actual tribal membership. So basically, they still let me come in for minor things, but they’re really pissy about it, and they have medically hurt me a couple of times, so I don’t go back. I was so proud of myself when I finally got a job in my late 20s that offered health insurance. It was GOOD too. ER visits were only $25!! But then things changed. I was struggling with infertility, and LSS, I really wanted to know exactly why/how I was not conceiving after 8 years of trying. But before I had enough saved, I became pregnant! So wow, that was amazing.
So we had a very long time to discuss what we wanted, and we both want the traditional thing, where he works, and I raise the children. It’s been with mixed results. As long as we are responsible it works out, but there are ISSUES!. I have not had insurance since I stopped working. The last couple of years when enrollment comes close I bring it up several times, but still not on his plan. He’s had a hard time with maturing and taking care of the responsibilities that are “assigned” to him based on the gender roll that he asked for. I do what I can, to hold things up. I grew up with a single mom, she always worked. I started working at 15. I’m not afraid or lazy, this was just the paradigm we agreed on. So he currently has a HSA plan, which I think is super crappy, but I need it now. My “box” broke! My “garage” is leeking. After the last 6 years of struggle, we just got our own house!! Not a rental, not attached to any inlaws, our very own real house!! This was our Mount Everest. We are so happy to be here, and we were celebrating, in a way. We were intimate way more than normal. For the first week, it was almost every night. But then I started spotting. It’s way out of the ordinary, been going on for over a week now. It’s always a freaking day late and a buck short with us. The frayed edges just won’t stay down for a minute! (For anyone wondering about the kids, they are covered with state insurance- we’re right at the income level that helps them but not me.) Eventually it will be worked out, just like we eventually got into this home.

  1. If you’re in the US make an appointment with Planned Parenthood or the county health department. Unusual gyn bleeding isn’t something to wait about.

  2. This dynamic is why being a stay at parent can be so scary. It opens you up to the possibility of being reliant on someone who is not up for the responsibility.

    This is your life – literally we are talking about. Get a job with health insurance and a babysitter. You need to be around for your child and if he doesn’t care about your health, at least you need to care enough about being around for your daughter to change the situation and yes that may mean you give up being with your child all the time but at least you’ll be alive and around her.

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