dating a girl when its only convenient to him? thoughts?

  1. Depends on the level of “dating” upto a certain level, it makes sense to date when it’s only convenient to you. Once you get into a deeper relationship, if you can’t maintain a certain level, you should possibly be single, but at the same time. If the other person feels they aren’t getting enough and have discussed it, then they aren’t being held hostage and can move on

  2. you don’t wanna get in the habit of allowing exploitation into your life.

    that shit carries into other worlds if you allow it to continue. You’ll start getting exploited in the workplace, your new friends or even old friends will start taking advantage, strangers might start hassling you on the street for no reason because they can see you as someone easy to mess with.

    it’s better to feel the pain of loneliness then participate in some thing you know is not authentic. It’s not a proper or stable relationship.

  3. What do you mean? Guys and girls only date others when its convenient for them. Why would anyone date someone if its not convenient to do so?

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