I tend to be a pretty easygoing guy, I really try and not let little things bother me and to see the best in people. I think this is a good mentality to have, but I also don’t want to get walked all over. I’ve been trying to be better with that as I feel like people have taken advantage of me before.

Recently I had been talking to this girl for a couple months, I thought things were going well but she told me she didn’t think she could be in a relationship so we didn’t talk for a bit. I told her to reach out when she was ready and tbh, I thought it would be a week or two but I never heard from her until I reached out 6 weeks later. We ended up grabbing drinks as friends and she told me that she had still been using my Netflix account (I logged in to her TV when I was at her place once) and that she promised that she was getting one herself soon but she really wanted to watch New Girl (which is a great show, tbf).

Initially I was like whatever but it did rub me the wrong way. She did not communicate with me at all for over a month, but she was fine using my Netflix account every day? Ik it was most likely not her intention, but it felt like she’d been taking advantage of me. So tonight I logged out of all devices on my account. It feels pretty good, I feel like it’s my little victory, that I’ve stood up for myself in a small way after going through a lot with my emotions after she basically ended things. I’m really gonna try and be better about this in the future, I feel a lot better.

  1. Yeah, if she isn’t willing to even talk to you definitely the right decision to cut off her Netflix mooching.

  2. Great decision! Next time don’t hesitate. Im impressed that you reached out to her again. Especially in person! Nowadays, everyone’s ghosting each other but nice job for taking the other route. Last year, my New Years resolution was to be more assertive. I finally started saying no and communicated in a direct manner. It’s challenging because I worry about if I’m being nice enough but I have been much happier since. I know a Netflix account feels like a small boundary but when you keep taking steps like this in the future, you will feel very satisfied 🙂

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