My sister and I went to the restaurant one block away from my apartment, She came to visit me 4 hours away, as I am completely alone because I moved out of state to start my new career 7 months ago, and it gets very lonely and boring up here, and im finding it hard to meet new people.

While we were at the restaurant, I noticed a waitress, I thought she was really cute and I and I couldn’t stop looking at her, I don’t think she saw me though lol.

She ended up being our waitress. We ordered bruchetta to start. When she came back to take our order I complimented how nice the restaurant was and that this was mine and my sister’s 1st time here, And that I just moved here to start my career, and that it is a really nice area but haven’t been able to find any friends yet, so my sister came up to visit/hang out. She was curious and asked me when I moved here and where I work and and talked a little about herself that she has a couple different side jobs. I think it was a bit obvious that I was looking at her like I thought she was attractive.

We ordered our food and it was really good! I had a nice pizza entree, and my sister, had a fish entree with some kind of maple glaze. When we were done my sister stepped out to the bathroom and the waitress came back to leave our checkbook.
She started talking about some nice places around here to have fun like, parks and museums, and she gave me a small folded piece of paper and said she wrote some of them down for me.
then, i said, I hope it’s not weird and don’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything but I thought you were so so cute and I was wondering if I could give you my number.
And she said it’s already in there, I was so happy and said, really? thank you so much!

My sister soon came back, and i left a few extra dollars tip, and then we left.

I texted her later that night, Saying thank you so much for the recommendations the recommendations and would love to try one of them with you sometime if you wanted to. and she did not text me back until I texted her again the next afternoon, with a video of the state park full state park and I said this park is beautiful as well. She said she was going to text me last night but she got in late and commented on some of the nice things at that park, and I sent another video or 2.
We texted a couple more times, and asked how old i was, and i politely asked how old she was, she said, guess how old i am, i guessed a few years younger because she looks younger, and it turns out she is 1 year older than me!, she said same lucky number!
Later she sent me a link to her Instagram and i complimented on some of her jewlery products, and she mentioned what other jobs she has such as therapy but didnt explain when i asked, so i mentioned my role at my job and that im going to be off for a week.

The next day I texted her again saying that I hope she’s having a good day and that I’m back off to the park! She said thank you! and that she was going out of state today.

Didnt text her for a day or 2 cuz i didnt want to interupt her get away. So the next afternoon, i sent her a little gif, that says, hi, your cute. she texted, hi 🙂.

i texted her, hey, the next afternoon.

i couldnt stop thinking about her this whole time, and was excited and thinking of possibilities that she might want to go somewhere. i have never had a gf, and i really liked her.

but she didnt reply that day or the next, im hoping she will today.

Would it be nice to text her again?


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