So I’ve been dating this guy and I had broken up with him due to his constant lying. But afterwards I found that my best friend since we were kids , has been having s** with him on IMVU when I was still dating him.

To give you some context for my best friend, she is a nice person but judges all my friends or whoever I make new friends with and she constantly tells me where I can “improve” myself aka tells me I’m fat while feeding me ice cream sundaes when I visit her. I’ve been friends with her since we were kids , what should I do???

I found out after I broke up with my bf, that my bff was dating my boyfriend at the time on IMVU, should I confront her?

  1. > I’ve been friends with her since we were kids , what should I do???

    Uh…..ditch her? She cheated with your BF behind your back and appears to be just an all around awful person.

    Also, what is IMVU?

  2. I’d just stop talking to that person. Ghost her. Confronting her will just make you feel worse

  3. That girl is NOT your friend. I’m so sorry that you’ve known her so long and it’s just now that her true nature is coming out, but come ON she is a snake. You shouldn’t keep people like that around.

  4. So she had sex with his avatar in an online game?? Does this count as cheating? I’m confused… she still sounds like a shitty friend, but I’m not sure about the cheating part unless we are living in the matrix already..

  5. Is IMVU like AIM or is it like the sims because one would be cheating and one is a video game

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