I’m so pissed off! I was out on a date tonight and it was going ok..at least I thought it was. We are out for a bite and a drink..the check came and he excuses himself for the bathroom. He ditched me and left me with the check. So fucking humiliating 🤬 seriously why make another person feel like they are completely insignificant?!? Anyway..thank you for letting me vent..

Edit: you guys are the kindest, most amazing people I’ve ever met. That complete strangers are trying to make me feel better with all the encouragement and kind words, it’s really touching. Thank you so much and I hope you all continue to encourage and reassure the next person who has a bad date, I know I will because now I’ve got to pay your kindness forward 😊

  1. I’m so sorry, that sucks. What a shithead.

    If you still have him on the app, see if there’s a way to report him of that.

  2. Thats what I’m saying gotta be a stupid tick tock thing,but don’t think the next one will do that or just make them give you there I.D. till the bills paid 🤣

  3. Next date go to a place you’ve been where you are in clear view of the potty to prevent the runs?

    JK trying to lighten your mood sorry dudes a dick

  4. That’s awful and so classless on his part. I’m sorry you had to deal with his idiotic ass. If you met him on an app(s), report him immediately.

    I would also suggest avoiding drinks, next time. I don’t think this behavior is particularly common, but it would give you peace of mind to do something low-pressure like walking around with tea/coffee or going to the park.

  5. Next time text him that the restaurant called the police for his portion of dine and dash and they will find his address and info via his phone number so he better come pay before police arrives. Just kidding…I doubt the restaurant will want to bother doing that or if police will actually care, but it would still be fun to see what he says. Sorry you had to go through that. Hugzzz

  6. You seem pretty dope based on your bio(especially the part about loving fantasy) so if anything you spent a bit of extra money to learn early on the dude is a douche. Sucks that it happened but it’s good you found out early

  7. This is more of a reflection of the other person than you! Remember that and keep on keeping on 🤍

  8. Let’s assume they had an emergency to attend to and had to split… Or they’re a secret spy who was whisked away by their handler and sent of to a remote location for another mission. The possibilities are endless, but you definitely did nothing wrong.

  9. Well at least you didn’t go any farther with him and find out he’s an asshole later. He saved you some time and possibly some heartbreak! Hope you have better luck going forward

  10. Ugh that sucks. But you’ve got no reason to be embarrassed. You’re not the one with awful manners!

    Keep your chin up luv.

  11. That’s terrible! What a coward! No one deserves that. It’s 100% a reflection on him, not on you at all.

  12. Be thankful he showed who he was this early on. You dodged a bullet that’s going to hit some poor unfortunate.

  13. I’m sooo sorry, that’s freaking awful. What is wrong with people. How long were you waiting until you realized he ditched you??

    (I can say I’ve had some absolutely horrible first date experiences but I never had someone ditch me at dinner before 😬 Again so sorry that happens to you)

  14. I’ve had the same thing happen. She excused herself to the restroom, then pivoted and walked right out the front. It was only a first date and I’d planned to get the check anyway, but I was still absolutely stunned at the audacity.

    Obviously, this guy is shameless and has absolutely no class at all. You’ve every right to be pissed and feel horrible about it. As others have advised, this is a reflection on him alone; you’re not to blame in the least.

    Virtual high five from someone who has been in exactly the same situation for taking it with all the grace you have. Your venting wasn’t as harsh as he deserves, but then there is enough meanness in this world. Let karma have at him.

    I wish you nothing but the best of luck next time!

  15. Where are you from n how did you meet this person?? There’s a tinder scam here in India (specially in New Delhi) where people set up a date, and their date is early and while waiting for you has already entered a cafe/pub/ restaurant. They’ll enjoy the food with you, order a lot, offer you a lot to order, and when the time comes to pay the bill they’ll disappear. The man/woman are usually working under collaboration with the cafe/pub/restaurant and they get a commission from the huge bill they racked up. Stay safe people, these scammers can be man or woman. These scam techniques might have reached your country 🥸

  16. I had sorta the opposite side of this happen to me just this week. Woman I was out on the date with basically guilt tripped me into taking her to a vegan restaurant that was supposedly “not that expensive” (it was) and then she supposedly “forgot to bring her wallet”. So I couldn’t leave until I paid her fucking meal and drove her home. I *wanted* to ditch her ass right there, but I guess I’m too nice.

  17. It wouldn’t matter to me what the girl looked like…. Or anything to do that. I would only do that if I was completely disrespected or something or the girl was obviously in it for a free meal.

  18. I did this to a date(minus the check since I didn’t order any food or drinks)years back. She was on her phone for the first 10 minutes and only responded with 1 word answers to questions so she really wasn’t into me and just wanted a free meal

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