Me (19M) and my soon to be girlfriend(18F) feels like we are running out of things to talk about even though we only started talking for 4 months straight…
So for context, we both come from a really study-intense school and nowadays we feel like we do not click as well as before? It could be due to the different friend group and possibly the different personalities of us? She is rather the more lowkey type of person while I am more highkey in terms of social status ig…
We both still have feelings for one another but I am afraid that our meals, bus rides, dates will just be silence in the near future…

Any advice ?

  1. I find talking with my partner of 12 years is interesting when we read the same book, or tell each other about books only one of us has read, podcasts work too.

  2. Ask each other about interests, and see what you both like and if you and her don’t know what something the other person likes is then getting them to talk about it, if you can’t think of anything why not start something new, you both like gaming? Play a co-op game together even then you don’t have to constantly talk you can sit next to each other reading, playing games or watching something.

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