For example: you make 100k a year, but she tells them 160k a year.

She says you run a 7 minute mile… but you can run a 10 minute mile.

She says you live in a big city, but you actually live outside of a big city.

  1. First of all, how much you make cannot be shared by another person without your permission. But yeah this is a red flag. There is no need to lie, lying means you are not happy with who I am/what I got.

  2. I doubt that’s something that would last. If it were me, I’d probably dump her. Because what that tells me is that she’s ashamed of me, rather than proud.

  3. Run. It means as soon as she gets the chance for a guy who has those things she will leave you.

    If she liked you, shed brag about you. There will be a time when these things come to light and you’ll have to lie for her or she will get caught in a lie. In which case you will be the asshole for making her looking bad (even though its her fault for lying).

    Just run.

  4. Last one is definitely not a brag. But this reeks of a social climber. Obviously not content with you. So ask yourself if you’re content being with someone not content with you.

  5. For starters she’s a liar. On top of that it sounds like I’m not enough. It’s no one’s business to go around telling people what money I have anyway. I’d call her out and if it continued I’d probably be out.

  6. My thoughts are simple, is not obvious?

    Her identity and ego relies entirely on YOUR social status and wealth.

    She is overly concerned about the opinion of others and wants others to know you are both “better”.

    You are a tool for her to achieve social one-upmanship amongst her peers.

    Until she finds someone “better” that is.

  7. If you dump her she’ll just tell her friends you are still together. Sorry my man

  8. I don’t appreciate The fact that she’s painting an image of me that I’ve yet to achieve or won’t achieve and when I see those friends of hers I have to either lie or tell them the truth in which both ways will end badly for me . Honesty to yourself and others is something I respect and value

  9. you’re very successful. That’s very clear from what you’ve described. This is not about you, although the topic is about you so it’s very confusing, this is about her and her self-worth.

    this is some kind of problem she has. And this is a big problem by the way bro. Because what she’s actually doing is habitually lying about mundane and shit.
    I think you need to take a look at the chronic lying that’s taking place before we even look at what the lies are about specifically.

    also, dude you’re making a shit ton of money, and your athletic? fuck, leave some pussy for the rest of us you fucking successful asshole

  10. I would see it as a serious red flag to the point where I would break things off.

    1. She doesn’t care about how this might make you feel.
    2. She doesn’t seem to think you are a good catch as you are, will keep pressuring you forward and leave you if you don’t meet her high expectations.
    3. Someone who is this focus on achievements is more likely to be very hypergamous if the opportunity arises.
    4. If you don’t share that value system its also an incompatibility.
    5. It highlights a deep insecurity which is not a great trait + she has difficulty being content with things as they are, which is exhausting.
    6. She clearly has no issues lying to people close to her.

  11. It depends on her intentions. When my husband was unemployed I’d tell people he had a job and did X Y Z (he’d prefer this and did it too). However, I don’t boast to people, otherwise it seems like using him as a handbag to show off. It’s also pretty silly. I doubt she’s embarrassed if you’re making 100k, maybe she just exaggerates about everything in general and enjoys people being jealous.

  12. i mean these are harmless but it would make me want to know why does she feel the need to do it? is she competing with someone or trying to impress someone? that is the bigger problem i feel.

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