This will require a bit of background context and I have a decent few irregularities to list, so bear with me. The main context is that I (22M) have been prone to extreme urinary urgency since I was about 16 and for most of the time since have had to wear pads if I’m going out anywhere. A second issue, which I have had slightly longer (I think it started when I was 15 or perhaps just after I turned 16) is that often when I get an erection, particularly if it’s cold or if I’ve just gotten out of the shower, the blood flows initially just to the glans, giving my dick a kind of hourglass-like appearance; this sometimes causes some discomfort but isn’t too painful, and usually in less than a minute the issue has resolved itself and I’ve got a normal-looking erection. This has been pretty static since it first started happening, i.e. it hasn’t really gotten any more or less common or severe.

Anyway, the main issue(s) I want to ask for advice on are the following. My foreskin seems to be tight, or short, or possibly both. It has a tendency to often retract of its own accord, leaving the glans exposed. When flaccid, I can correct this easily enough; however, when I have an erection, my foreskin will only partially cover my glans and will usually retract of its own accord to leave it totally uncovered. If I try to raise it much further than just partially over the glans, I experience pain. My foreskin itself is often quite red and tender, especially if I have an erection; I have noticed that my frenulum (the little piece of tissue connecting the foreskin to the back of the glans) also has a tendency to stick out to one side, rather than being a straight line down the back of the glans. The area immediately below the glans also tends to be red and sore, again particularly if I’ve got an erection. Maybe most concerningly of all, I appear to have a sort of ridge of swelling just under the glans, which is typically covered by the foreskin. It’s only really pronounced when I have an erection, but it’s hard and brittle to the touch and very clearly visible particularly when I draw my foreskin up to as far over the glans as it’ll go.

I have had most of these issues for at least three or four years now, and the swelling has been there for at least the last two; I can’t honestly say for certain whether or not the others started before my urgency issues, but I suspect they probably started after when I was 17 or 18. They do not massively impede my daily life, i.e. they do not cause me routine discomfort; they have also remained pretty much static in all that time too, not really getting any worse. However, when it comes to sexual activity, it presents some difficulties. I have to be pretty careful and delicate if I masturbate and anything particularly vigorous either by myself or with a partner generally causes me quite bad discomfort. I also have difficulty putting on condoms; if I try to unroll them the usual way they typically struggle to get over my foreskin and attempting to do so also often pulls on the foreskin and causes me more pain- I usually am able to get them on eventually, but it can be difficult and uncomfortable.

I explained some of these issues to a GP a couple of years ago- specifically the tendency for blood to flow just to the glans and the foreskin difficulties. He expressed concern about the foreskin but felt that things were okay since it was at least mobile enough to fully cover my glans when I was flaccid (I didn’t mention the discrepancy between flaccid and erect; I found the whole situation embarrassing enough already, as you can imagine), and recommended that I either try a different soap for washing my foreskin or else perhaps just use water. I have tried both but they have not made any difference.

So I’m now asking for anybody else’s advice. I added the extra context because it has occurred to me that wearing the pads may have caused or perhaps at least exacerbated the issue (I do often feel more uncomfortable/in more discomfort with them on), or perhaps that the issue of excessive blood flow to the glans could be somehow responsible too. What can I do to remedy this issue? Has anyone else had any similar experiences?

1 comment
  1. You need to seek out a Urologist and been seen by a specialist.

    Self treatment is no longer getting the issue addressed. The urinary urgency should be addressed as well. It could be a nerve related problem, spasms in the bladder. Or any number of things from not too big a deal to seriously risking your penis health.

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