I think a lot of it depends on the circumstance. For example I was talking to someone for a bit, things seemed to be going really well. And then one night I message her and she leaves me on “seen”. But she’s out here making snap stories and making posts on other platforms, like she’s clearly available and not doing anything important. And then she gets back to me like 4 hours later with “hi”. Yeah, no. I’m not entertaining this shit again. There’s plenty of other girls out there.

Whenever a scenario like this happens, I just box them out, because I know damn well where it leads. And it never leads to anything good. It’s a clear sign that they just don’t care and aren’t interested. Maybe they were interested but now a new guy showed up or they just decided they didn’t like you anymore for whatever reason. I’d always second guess myself like “well maybe they just got busy or weren’t near their phone” but nah. Without fail, they always ended up fading away or ghosting very soon after doing something like this.

It’s very simple. If someone is truly interested in connecting with you, they wouldn’t just ignore you. They would literally try to prevent leaving you on read for hours. People have their phones on them all the time. People have the ability to text back. People always text back to people they are interested in. It really is that simple. Obviously there are other circumstances at play here, but usually you can tell the difference between someone who is genuinely busy and someone who’s just blowing smoke up your ass and wasting your time.

But yeah. Maybe I’m just a petty dickhead. But I truly believe that cutting people off for this type of thing really has saved myself so much time and stress and discomfort. It’s not always as simple as someone not getting back to you on some one-off chance. It’s like this certain type of disinterested behavior that I can spot easily now as soon as it happens. Literally **every time** I’ve decided to give the person the benefit of the doubt and continue to entertain them after a situation like this, my core instinct was ALWAYS correct. That they were never interested. And I was just left with having my time wasted and feeling like an idiot.

  1. You’re not wrong. I’ve finally started doing this like 2 months ago. Everytime I tried to give them the benefit of a doubt, I was always sorely mistaken and would have been better off disappearing.

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