When I was in middle school (about ten years ago), there was a girl I was in love with; result: I told her, she replied that she preferred that we stay friends, is there a hidden meaning or is it really dead? because I saw her again not far in my neighborhood while walking around, we talked and she told me that she was still single (like me) and that she really lived not far from my house, this is my chance to take if i wanna date with her

So if there are people on reddit who can give me advice on how to talk to him what to say all that

Ps: my goal is not to bring her in my bed but just to bond for now

Thanks in advance

  1. It’s been 10 years. Ask her out to dinner and see what she says. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take

  2. My first date was a picnic in the park. Nice, intimate and cheap.

    Ask her out for a picnic.

    If you don’t ask you’ll never know.

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