My FWB with “Jake” is still going very well. We hook up about 2-3 nights a week and have a nice time but I also have a date planned this week with someone I’m excited about and I went dancing with my girls and got a number the other day.

I feel like I was, after a little bit of self-discipline, able to get myself to fully recognize that Jake is only ever going to be a FWB. I don’t text him during the day unless it’s to plan a meet up and I’m actively pursuing other things.

Here’s the problem. He asked me if he could take me out to dinner next week. I haven’t said yes or no but I feel like it kind of violates the terms of our relationship. I need those evenings off to be alone or to work on other romantic and non relationships. I think I will probably reiterate our terms and my boundaries and turn him down but I’m wondering what is going on.

FWB was his requirement, not mine, and I agreed. Now he’s making dating moves. Why?! Is this a sign that he can’t handle FWB and I should move on?

  1. It’s not complicated. He clearly wants to date you, and you don’t. You simply stop seeing/sleeping with him and pursue your other dates.

  2. Friends go out to dinner. A Friend with Benefits is, in theory, still supposed to be a friend. Have y’all defined the dynamic of the FWB situation? Or are you both operating off of your assumed meaning of a FWB?

  3. You should date or you should have a fwb. Keeping your fwb while trying to date just doesn’t work.

  4. You had a post a few days saying you were falling for this guy… So now you don’t? Are you trying to run from something you want because it seems difficult?

  5. You need self-discipline or else you might fall in love with him or something? Is it hard not to text him during the day?

  6. You sound like someone who needs to make a choice. If Jake is the on3 you want and you are running from it because you are FOMO, you are making a mistake.

  7. People do this in FWB-ships when they don’t want to lose what they have. If you like another guy, my suggestion is to break up the FWB and focus on dating. Don’t continue doing both you’ll end up confused, either hurting yourself or someone else.

  8. my understanding of a FWB is that it can be anything you want just you can see other people. I see no issue going to dinner with a FWB or hanging out in general.

    Ya’ll are just showing up banging and leaving??? I gotta like the person before I can do that lol

  9. Turn down that vibe! Keep it sexual and nothing more. FWB is a label mainly for just a hook up and nothing serious or future to look forward to.

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