Hi, so I(m18) have recently tried deep penetration with my GF (w17). It was great but I noticed the tip of my shlong feeling a weirdly high and concentrated amount of pressure when it would touch the cervix. I know that penetrating the cervix is not possible, which is why I am curious as to what this might be. If it helps, my dick is about 58mm wide.
Thanks in advance 🙂

  1. Where exactly do you feel that pressure? At the tip of your glans, as though you’re pushing against soemthing? That might be her cervix.

    Or surrounding your glans? That’s probably her vagina constricting around you, which isn’t that uncommon a reaction when there’s contact with the cervix.

  2. It could be pressing against the cervix or it could be pushing into the anterior fornix or posterior fornix.

  3. I’m no help, but my husband has mentioned that something similar happens to him sometimes. Says that sometimes I get a little too tight around the tip. Might just be the structure of the vagina? That area with the cervix can change a lot throughout a woman’s monthly cycle, too, so that might be why it’s only sometimes for my husband?

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