I’ve (27f) been dating a guy (28m) for about three months now. We get along well and we’ve made things official, but I only see him once a week. I understand that he’s busy with work and I genuinely don’t mind seeing him less, but the problem is that during that week he doesn’t even text me. There are times where he’ll leave my message on read for 2 or 3 days.

I enjoy space and independence, but I at least want to feel like i’m actually dating someone instead of this person who pops into my life once a week or every second week.

Do you guys think I’m being unreasonable for asking for more communication or should I just cut my losses at this point?

  1. You already know the answer. Of course you’re not being unreasonable! Someone who is really into you is not going to leave you on read for days at a time. Even going with the most generous (and probably false) interpretation, assuming this guy is really into you and just doesn’t like to communicate that much, you clearly have very disparate communication needs. In my experience, if you have to ask a guy to respond to you in a reasonable time frame, it’s not worth the trouble. Guys who like you will message you back quickly because they want to, you won’t have to tell them.

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