Lately I’ve had great conversations with strangers in public but have been sad because they just get away and I don’t find a way to keep in contact. Yesterday at my dogs vet appointment while I was checking out the receptionist said she liked my dogs dress. I responded with like “say thank you -insert dogs name-, then I realized that’s weird my dog can’t talk so I said “I’m one of those crazy dog parents “ she said it is fun to be and that she is too. I asked if she had a dog Instagram and she said yes. I asked if I could follow it and I did. We talked about her dog a little more while I paid. She said she didn’t post to it often but I noticed she made a post soon after I followed it which made me feel like I inspired her to. Lol. But anyways , was it weird to ask to follow the dog Instagram account? I’ll probably only like the photos and not cross any boundaries or try to befriend her just because she works at my dogs vets office idk if that’s weird. Thanks for any insight

  1. Some people would say you’re being weird. Not that you are weird. Some would say you are weird. So what? People, in general, are selfish S.O.B.’s. Be yourself and don’t worry what others think of you. I mean, I’m a Lumberjack and I’m okay… (Now that song is stuck in your head all day.)

  2. No. Perfect. You kept everything in the context of your dogs. If instead you blurted out something unrelated out of the blue like, What’s your favorite Italian restaurant? That could have been, but you did just fine. Yes, you’re allowed to befriend her too as things progress on social media

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