I can’t stand when people imply that myself or others are desperate for wanting love.

Everyone wants to fit in somewhere. Everyone wants acceptance. Most people want companionship and intimacy. Most people want to share their life with someone.

I don’t understand why that’s seen as desperate. It’s a human desire. Wanting something, and actively pursuing it does not make you desperate.

I think someone is desperate if they are lowering their standards so they are not lonely, or compromising their values for a partner. That’s what’s desperate.

I also dislike when people harp on people who get sad when they are single for a long time, or don’t feel as confident because they aren’t having much luck in dating.

People are allowed to feel upset that something they really want hasn’t happened for them. I’m sick of people looking for ways to feel superior over others.

Being unhappy that you’re not in a relationship isn’t a bad thing and people who deeply desire a connection with someone and are actively looking for it, are not desperate.

  1. People putt others down to build themselves up, it’s shitty and sadly very human. That being said trying too hard will drive ppl away. We’re not really a charitable species. We tend to avoid investing in relationships that doesn’t give instant gratification.
    Obv there are exceptions, but those are rare.
    You are right tho, it isn’t desperate to want something like that. It will be perceived as such however and that influences how ppl interact with you. For all our dating apps, singles subreddits and hookup television shows we still have declining relationship ratio. The majority of relationships form after a drunken haze or two and rarely lasts for a significant time. It’s the world we live in. Affection is cheaper when bought.
    Stay strong tho

  2. Its just a form of passive aggressive bullying. Like if someone said you had a stain on your shirt and you should clean it when you dont.

  3. Only person I’ve ever heard saying something along these lines was my ex. The most toxic relationship I ever had.

  4. WANTING love isn’t the problem, the problem is that some people seemingly REQUIRE it to live a happy functional life.

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