So I decided to give this guy I met through IG a chance (27f & 28m). The first time we chilled we went to a water fall by my house and we talking until 3 am. He was really sweet & respectful. We did kiss eventually before the night ended & It was a really nice night overall. Fast forward to now and here’s some things he’s done that makes me question everything.

1. On two separate occasions he’s mentioned that I probably have a roster of men lined up which is weird to just randomly say to someone especially considering I have kids and I’m in nursing school & I don’t have the time or energy to entertain multiple men. I’m a believer in a guilty conscience. So this just didn’t sit right with me.

2. He made a new twitter & so I followed him & he followed back… I was shocked to see he was following so many girls & (most of them were naked) & he even interacted with a few… now I know he’s single and he can do what he wants but Idk it bothered me.

3. He’ll be on social media but won’t text me back sometimes. Like for example I’ll send the last text at 1 pm, he’ll go tweet something or post on IG or like my post about an hour or two later and then maybe 30 minutes to an hour after that he’ll finally respond. He films videos for local artists and events and has even worked with big artists & he usually spends most of his days editing. I don’t expect him to be on his phone 24/7 but I just feel like if you could be on social media then you can respond to a text.

4. He use to always send a goodnight text… he still does but sometimes he doesn’t. Other times he’ll disappear around 10 or 11 pm and pop back up around 1 saying he fell asleep or took a nap which makes me question things because who goes to bed around 10 or 11 and “naps”

5 Back to the whole twitter thing. There’s this one girl who I can’t help but think she might be his ex. He did mention some things that makes me believe it’s her (her and I went to the same school & I know something’s about her family because her brother tried getting at my sister) the things he told me align with things her brother told my sister. Well he follows her and seems to like a lot of the things she likes or retweets. Granted they’re usually zodiac related or funny memes so I can see how those things my be relatable to a lot people but idk….

I ghosted him at one point because I’d rather choose to be happy than worried or stressing. But then he texted me saying he was sad I stopped texting cause he was really interested.

Then the second time I ghosted him it was because he went almost all day without texting me. Literally from morning to night but he was very much active on social media. I told him he easily could’ve just communicated that he’d be bhe texted me saying “he was upset but he’s not gonna continue to bother me & told me to take care” which I didn’t answer

Then a few days later he texted me he was sad cause we had made plans for that weekend but obviously it didn’t fall through because I ghosted him.

I apologized for ghosting him and told him I was sad too because I really was looking forward to grabbing something to eat with him and chilling. Then he responded saying “we still can” but at that point I told him I had already ordered food. He then said we can always chill… anyways we ended up chilling in his studio where he films and edit. He gave me a little tour of everything and it was pretty interesting we chilled for a bit and then we had sex & WOW the sex was AMAAAAZINGGG. Since then his consistency has been the same but idk. He makes time for me. If he’s gonna be busy all day he actually tells me now but idk. I can’t help but feeling like he’s entertaining other girls & its like technically he’s single so do as you please but not with me. As you can see my feelings are everywhere and I just wanna know if I’m self sabotaging by making things bigger than what it really is or if all the signs are in my face and my gut is telling me to run. Any advice on whether or not I should continue this?

Tl;dr : so basically I’m not sure what to make of my emotions. I can’t tell if it’s anxiety or my gut instinct. Should I give him the benefit of the doubt and see where it goes or should I leave him alone.

  1. It sounds to me like you’re more into him than he is into you. But hey, he’s making an effort to communicate with you. That’s a progression. Maybe just Gabe a step back to cool your jets. If things regress then move on. Great sex is easy to find, but being 27 is not.

  2. It doesn’t seem worth the effort. If the dude has you constantly wondering he’s not worth dealing with. You have kids and school and you don’t need a wildcard doing whatever.

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