How did you decide where to call home? And if you wish you lived somewhere else, what is preventing you from moving there?

  1. It was kind of decided for me. I was moved from my home state when I was a kid because of my parents’ work. I ended up planting roots here without even realizing it. I never planned to make this state my home but I kind of have. At this point it wouldn’t be practical of me to move my kids to a state they don’t know and leave a secure job that provides well for my family. That other state is my home though even if it’s never my actual home again.

  2. I didn’t make this decision yet.

    I am currently living alone (after 10 years having roommates) and I’m just loving the experience. I love having my own space, privacy and silence. I also live close to my brothers and mother. But that’s all. I don’t feel i belong here and my life has being work-home-work 🔂. I don’t have social life. The city is small and doesn’t have like any cultural activities, parks or concerts. The only thing it has are expensive restaurants. No public transportation either. Walking on the streets alone after 7pm is dangerous specially for women.

    I live in South America and always wanted to experience living in Europe because of many reasons. What’s preventing me to go? Money and opportunities…. 😅

  3. Once we were ready to buy again after rebuilding our finances for 5 years, we were priced out of our area. So we moved to a LCOL area that still had cheap housing as we could do our work remotely and that’s where we’ve been. I want to change states but the thing that has kept us here all these years is his electrical license is good here. He would have to retake tests in other states and with his ADHD, trouble studying and memorizing, he’s never felt he could take it again.

  4. Waiting on the immigration department to give the yes. Home is with my partner of almost 4 yrs now. It’s with him where I feel safe, loved, appreciated, and happy. It’s in his country where there is a better future for us both than in mine.

    I had to do lots of research first tho, whether his country was really somewhere I wanted to be for myself, or was it just for him.

  5. I got divorced here, so that kind of made the decision. My kids already had their lives set up here, so it made no sense to move. Plus my son is almost 18 and already set up for disability benefits in this state. I would hate to move and have him stuck on a waiting list.

  6. Currently, home is wherever my partner and I choose to live. We’ve lived in 4 different states together so far and have made a wonderful home in each of them for the time we were there. If someone asks where I’m from/where I moved from, I generally ask them “originally or most recently?” so I can answer properly.

  7. Ended up in the US because my parents immigrated when I was a minor.

    Ended up in the town that I am in now because my husband and I have some investment properties here, and wanted to live closer to them, and also get out of the city.

    We’d love to move to Ireland or Scotland, but immigrating is not easy.

  8. Home is where I sleep. Even if I don’t like it there. Sure, I wish I lived in Seattle still, but it’s far out of my price range. But it’s not home anymore, it’s just where I like to be.

  9. After I moved out from my parents’ place, the apartment I was able to find and move into became my home. It was my safe space. It was a place where I can grow and become my own person.

    I don’t want to move because I want to stay close to my siblings and best friends.

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