Who in your life do you never want to see again? And why?

  1. He had the nickname of Darlek. A forty or fifty year old man with the mentality of a 15 year old bully. In his own vocabulary “Total fucking cunt.” He left the company. Anyone who knew him was happy he left.

  2. My ex manager – undermined me so much
    Spread rumours about me
    Short tempered with me when she had a bad day
    Gave me tasks which she knew I couldnā€™t do it
    Even if she left she stilll talk about me to some of staff . Just a note last 15 yrs of same company working I never had a problem with anyone . Apart from her

  3. My sister. I was very bad mentally and I said about suicide. And she said “Do it then. Everyone is replaceable”.

  4. His name Is Sean. An ex friend of mine

    Met him in school and was his friend for years but then he showed his true colours and is a stuck up narcissist. He thinks his whole family are losers for not being rich and blame them for all his mistakes

    He would catcall women on the street and then mock me when I got embarrassed when he did in front of me and told him that it’s wrong

    He emotionally abused his ex girlfriends and called himself a “Nice guy”. One day I overheard him makes his ex girlfriend cry and showed no remorse for it.

    Nothing is ever his fault and it’s everyone’s else fault

    He demanded money out of me and thought he was entitled to it for just being my friend.

    He has said really Misogynistic stuff like “I thought women were supposed to be the smart ones” just because he faced rejection on dating. Be actually believed he was gods gift to women.

    He once said “The reason women reject me is because all those assholes hurt them so they reject me”.. so he also thought he was morally superior to other men

    He was racist

    He hated LGBT folk for no reason at all

    He was just all around shitbag and when I found out. I stopped all contact with him.

    Funny enough he has no friends anymore and he came into the shop I work in recently and tried apologising to me for what he did to me and wanted to be friends again and even offered me money to be his friend… I told him to keep the money and then jusy hide it in the warehouse until he fucks off. I never want to see him again.

  5. Former colleague of mine. Ginormous a-hole.
    Always had to say something annoying to everyone he slightly knew. Dude hated women and would say something derogatory about them every chance he got (regardless whether or not he knew them).

    Glad to be rid of him.

  6. Female here.

    I have a couple of ex-bfs that were abusive emotionally, verbally, physically, and sexually. Iā€™d rather not see them again unless Iā€™m exacting my revenge.

  7. Anyone who thinks that a political or ideological belief is the basis of a good personality. I’ll be glad when life chews them up and spits them back out because it doesn’t like all the gristle.

  8. Psychopath ex who I broke up with and proceeded to try and hang herself while I was at her apartment trying to get all my belongings out of there. I ended up comforting her until she calmed down and fell asleep. I ended up gathering the important stuff quickly and left a good chunk of my stuff still there and got the fuck outta there as she sleptand never saw her again. She did try to pull the ā€œIm pregnantā€ thing with me and sent me an ultrasound of the baby. I immediatley googled that shit and realized she straight up used the very first pic that came up on the results when searching for baby ultrasounds on google.

  9. You know, I hope I never have to see u/livelaughloverelease in a Reddit comment section ever again. No particular reason, I just feel that way

  10. The on/off girlfriend I had in high school. We tried to make things work for real in our mid 20s, but it just wasn’t going to work, no matter if we wanted it to or not. I’d be glad never seeing her again because we’re always attracted toward one another, whether we’re available or not, and I just don’t want to put up with that kind of shit anymore.

  11. My father. Havenā€™t seen or talk to him since I had him arrested 20 years ago. He could also be dead already. I know where he is and unless I want to go see him Iā€™ll never see him again.

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