What’s your favorite childhood memory?

  1. When I was v tiny and my parents still had money we had a pool in the basement.
    For a bday, it was all drained and blue cloths were hung over it to create water and in the corner, my mum build an underwater throne. It was a treasure hunt through the whole house. It led us deep under the sea where my dad, dressed up as Poseidon gave us a hint and so on.

    I just remember my brain being blown that I could “breathe” underwater. My tiny brain was so caught in the fantasy it was all real to me.

    The memory shows me just how much my mom put effort into me. She failed in some ways, (generational trauma yay) but really, truly did her best to give me magic.

  2. One of my best is the car breaking down on our way to family. I got the Big ice cream I was never allowed to have to keep me occupied and out of the way (I was 3). Always makes me chuckle when I hear people spending huge amounts to ‘make memories’ for their kids. Don’t think my parents were aiming at that when the car broke down, but there you have it.

  3. Telling the tax lady she had big tits when I was 3 years old and embarrassing my father hahahahahhaha.

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