I’ve been having this “problem” for a while. So during my workouts or between sets, I tend to zone out (eyes unfocused, etc) and I just end up facing whatever my body is positioned towards. The issue I’m feeling here is that sometimes the thing I’m accidentally facing is a girl working out and I feel like this can make them uncomfortable since they might think I’m staring at them even if I’m not (I’m a guy).

What’s the correct etiquette here? Or am I overthinking this?

  1. Yeah there’s people everywhere in a busy gym. If there’s a woman working out right in front of me I usually try to move over a bit so I’m not facing directly at her. If that’s not possible just try to look at something else.

  2. I used to zone out at the gym too because I have derealization but never really had that problem. You can look at the ground or your phone, or yourself in the mirror.

    My friend who’s a super strong man gave me really good lifting advice and it applies here. You’ll be more productive at the gym if you only give yourself maybe 20 seconds between sets before you force yourself to keep going. Don’t just sit there for several minutes; push yourself and you’ll be at the gym for half the time and get more things accomplished.

  3. Yeah, don’t zone out facing another person working out in the gym, gender is irrelevant.

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