Feel free to vent.

  1. Let his ex flirt with him, insult me, send pictures of…questionable appropriateness, etc. for the first 9 months of our relationship.

    When he eventually told her stop she got mad and blocked him. I’m even more mad that when she texted him out of the blue a year later he forgave her. He blocked her right after but I’m still annoyed about how it went down

  2. Said he wants good sex as it’s an important part of the relationship for him, then never asked for it and gave no pointers how to make it better for him. I didn’t know it at the time, but I’m a sex-neutral ace. My interest in getting it on was based entirely on meeting his needs and wants.

    He did provide pointers for giving head and my technique has drastically improved as a result.

    We did split up and I’m now with someone more on my page, but as much as I’m glad for the past relationship, I’m never gonna not be pissed about that.

  3. In the first year of dating I had an accident that landed me in hospital for a week, having surgery and doing physio to walk again.
    They didn’t come and visit me in the hospital, my parents offered to bring them but they didn’t come despite me asking. They were at college at the time but only 3 days a week. We’re still together now and it’s a really good relationship but it’s just something I wish had played out differently and it took as while for me to feel like I could actually depend on them.

  4. Besides the gaslighting, neglect, and boundary violations…he was late for EVERYTHING related to me and it was “never his fault”.

    I’d stick around at least two hours after our agreed meetup time, but that usually meant shifting plans and me being extra hungry. Maybe I’d pick up food for us instead, or we would cancel, but after 8 years together- I cannot remember having had any date night that wasn’t interrupted to some degree by his inconsideration.

  5. We have been on and off for 3 years and he had just broken up with me and a month later he started texting me telling me he missed me and so we were talking again just to find out that a friend of mine from childhood had a miscarriage and it was his baby. The first time we broke up was because of my ex friend who had told him I wanted to get pregnant (even though I didn’t, and would look up abortion clinics at the time if I had a pregnancy scare at all) and so he wouldn’t touch me or have sex with me until we got to the point of breaking up. I was the first person he told about the miscarriage too once he found out. I know it was awful for him because that was going to be his baby but at the same time had no consideration into how I would feel about that. And I’m pretty sure it’s because if she had that baby both of them knew I would step in to be the mom while she went off and did her own thing. He still doesn’t see why it would bother me though so I just stopped trying to explain.

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