In the case of Portugal I would say yes, the average person knows that the first monarch was Dom Afonso Henriques (aka Afonso I). One reason why I think this is the case is due to the concept of Portugal being a nation happened with said first monarch. It went from being a county to an independent nation, and the modern-day borders of the country were defined very early on (just look at old maps of Europe throughout the centuries and you’ll find that Portugal is pretty consistent).

What about in your country? Is the identity of the first monarch common knowledge?

  1. Yep, pretty much everyone knows that Tomislav was the first Croatian ruler who both called himself and was internationally recognized as king, or rather *rex*, as of the year 925.

  2. Clovis is a well known character, he’s taught in history classes. Maybe some would not remember the fact that he was the first to rule independantly over what would became France but everyone knows his name

  3. Yes, but some people mix up the first King of Poland (Boleslaw Chrobry – 992-1025) with the first historically known ruler (Mieszko I 960-992)

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