I will go first.

I really enjoy pickled herrings i can litually eat a whole jar of those and still want more.

  1. Real, made-in-a-shed, moonshine. It’s essentially extremely cheap vodka, but it tastes like my teens visiting my grandpa.

  2. you guys really dont like black olives? im picky af with food and especially veggies and goddamn i fucking destroy those. i saw a “taco night starter pack” post and under the pic of the olives it said “why are these even out who uses these?” and im like FUCK YOU ALL I DO

  3. Offal. Kidneys, livers, hearts, stomach, brains, tongues, feet/hoves, bone marrow, blood, skin… gimme that. Those are the most delicious parts of the animal if prepared correctly.

  4. Sweet potatoes. I honestly don’t get why people don’t eat these more often. They’re delicious. Flavorful and sweet (obviously). But most people I know will pass them up if they’re not in a pie. What’s weird is how people have to drench them in sugar when they’re already sweet. Just butter and maybe some cinnamon are good.

  5. Kiwi skin. I eat kiwi like an apple, just wash it and take a bite. The fuzzy texture is fun, and it’s a great source of fiber!

  6. I like to put pickles on my nachos.

    and I’ll like to put chopped up french fries on my salad.

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